The only visitors I had in the hospital - other than my docs, who came by faithfully each day - even the weekends! - were family and I was glad to see them. It gets pretty boring when you're not sleeping off the anesthesia and it's always nice to have a family member help you walk the hallways or help the busy nurses out by getting you ice or juice.
It was tough being away from my kids the 5 days I was hospitalized. They came to see me in the hospital 2 days post op. My parents planned on bringing them the day following surgery, but we decided to wait an extra day. Although I still had the pressure bandage on my head, I looked fairly normal so they weren't upset - just relieved to see me. And I was glad to see them - it gave me a lot of incentive to get out of the hospital and home again. I also hung pictures of my kids, and all the get well cards they made me, on the bulletin board in my hospital room.
It's hard to decide when to schedule the surgery. I decided it would be best to schedule mine before school let out for the summer. That way the kids were wrapped up in their normal routine and activities and didn't have a lot of time to sit around worrying about me. I did talk to their teachers and explain what was going on at home so they could help the kids deal with any anxiety or emotional feelings that might come up the day of my surgery. Having the kids in school during the day also helped my mom because once she got the kids off to school, she could be at the hospital with me. (You know what they say, you never get too old for your mom to stop treating you like a kid
) My sister would pick the kids up from school and spend a few hours with them until my mom returned; then my sister would go home to her husband and kids. My dad also helped out; it really was a group effort.
A mom's group is an excellent idea - but I have to warn everyone, I don't have a lot of time for communication other than email - and usually I do that late at night or early in the morning when the kids are still asleep, or during my lunch hour at work while I'm eating at my desk. I have a boy and a girl - both will be 12 on February 29th - although my son is older than my daughter by 17 minutes - and loves to remind his "little" sister of that fact
Kaybo, it's so kind of you to say I'm the best. Most days I don't feel like I am, but I give it my best shot.