Esperanza -
Following is information regarding the VNG test.
Videonystagmography (VNG) is a test of your balance system. An extensive evaluation is required at times to determine the cause of dizziness or unsteadiness. The tests necessary to diagnose your problem have been determined by our doctor at the time of examination, and may include detailed hearing and balance tests. The object of this evaluation is to be certain that there is no serious disease, and to try to pinpoint the exact site of the problem. This lays the ground work for effective medical or surgical treatment by your doctor.
The VNG test is the recording of nystagmus or eye jerks by a camera. There are neural connections that stretch from the balance mechanism in the inner ear to the muscles of the eye. A disorder of the balance mechanism results in small eye jerks that can only be detected by a sophisticated computer. A camera attached to a pair of goggles records these eye jerks during a series of tasks. The balance mechanism is monitored during tasks that consist of looking back and forth between designated points, following moving lights, lying in different positions, and lying down and sitting up quickly. The final portion of the test requires putting cool and warm air in the ear canal for roughly 60 seconds in order to determine if the balance mechanism of each ear can increase and decrease normally in response to stimulation. Some individuals become dizzy for 2-5 minutes, but most are able to drive home after the test without difficulty. If you are concerned about not being able to drive afterwards, please make arrangements for someone to transport you.
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Safety & blue skies,