Hi Monika!
Of course I'm not an expert in this or anything for that matter. - smile -
You may review this link:
http://www.dizziness-and-balance.com/disorders/autoimmune/aied.html thoroughly if you wish.
Predisone, as I understand, is standard treatment for the disorder if diagnosed. My understanding is diagnosing it is not all that easy though. Immunosuppressant meds may be Rx'd also, and the sooner, the better, for both meds if a declination in the hearing continues. If it stabilizes or continues to come back, one might say the etiology ( cause ) of the contralateral loss is unknown.
I have read stories and reports of sympathetic opposite side losses of both hearing and balance. This may be the bodies attempt at equalizing things. Strange, but true. It is also known in some that one sided hearing can cause dizziness in a very few.
My feeling if this were me, I'd ask to try a couple runs of steroid to at least see if it helps. Some have quite a few side effects from steroid however. In some, dimethylprednisolone in lieu of prednisone may exhibit with fewer side effects.
Re: The other med you mentioned and the timing, No Dr. here, but I feel the use of the med and hearing declination was merely coincidental.
I hope the upcoming Dr's appt. is helpful!!
Best wishes always!