Everything except for translab surgical removal offers a possibility (unfortunately not a guarantee) of hearing preservation. Among surgical removals are middle fossa and retrosigmoid approaches. There is endoscopic retromastoid approach by Dr. Jho. They also advertise hearing preservation. There is also radiation, so don't discount that. At the end, you have to choose what feels right for you, not somebody else. Here are some links where you can get a free consultation: - known for their middle fossa and restrosigmoid approaches. I spoke to Dr.Friedman. I know somebody who had Drs. Friedman and Scwartz as a team and their hearing has been saved. -Dr. Jho's website; he or his assistants can provide the consultation and numbers on hearing preservation. They can also provide references.
I never really got a consult from any major radiation centers (GK in Pittsburgh and CK in California) but maybe somebody can chime in here. I visited radiation centers locally and decided early on that radiation is not for me.
The bottom line is research, research and research. It will pay off at the end. This is a wonderful website, full of information and support. Please, keep us informed as you go along and good luck!