Well, I had kind of thought about that while reading...I think (no, KNOW - just b/c that is how we are) that Dave & I would have ASK our girls if they wanted to help their sister - age appropriate, of course. Such a simple thing and something that I don't remember them EVER doing. Yes, you are the parent and you have to make the final decisions (& maybe "steer" them), but would Anna have felt different towards the end/lawsuit if she had felt that she had an OPINION or INCLUDED. As my favorite line from Suessical the Musical & now Horton Hears a Who and what I explain to my kids over & over is, "A person's a person, no matter how small." I think that can be applied to SO many areas in our lives...I agree w/ Jan in that I would have had another (of course, you are talking to the lady who would just keep on having babies (LOL)) especially when I think that most women (& men too) when after they have what they have thought they would, deep down, wonder what it would be like to have another...the intial cord blood would have been so inavasive (is that a word?) but certainly nothing to lose!