Yeah, I saw on his book that that orange was his sig, but I was not familiar with him prior to getting the book. Odd: my brther-in-law is a chef, so I had seen Iron Chef - too cool, but I don't watch much TV, so didn't know of Mario's show. Will look for it now though...
The low down: I picked up the book for a single recipe - a Cherry tart, which I had seen positive feedback from another group. I tried it Sat. night, taking great liberty at cutting some butter, and used a Muscat Blanc, in lieu of the vin santo he had in the crust, because it lends itself more to light fruits ( we had just come from a lazy weekend on the Guadalupe river and stopped for Fredericksburg peaches at a stand), then used peaches and a Mango jelly and I will tell you - it was much easier then a pie or traditional tart, and we ate it warm Saturday for dessert, then for breakfast yesterday! Mmmmmm...Can't wait to try some other recipes!
I did get Suns - though, I have been to busy in the kitchen to open it. Funny: the kitchen is for me a big independance indicator; and as I can't blow much glass yet (right arm not quite cooperating, and who wants to blow glass in August in Texas!), it is also a great creative outlet...Will start book today though!