Hey, Capt! Good to "see" you! Yes, I'm very jealous - grew up in Jax, FL and LOVE the beach, but now live 6 hours from any ocean

I enjoyed the first book in the Hunger Games, but didn't think the other two were as good...have not seen the movie yet. Have heard that the director did a pretty good job, though...
Yes, I agree about the quest for power and strong women theme, guess I was thinking more that it wasn't as meaningful as perhaps a nonfiction read...I love it no matter what

Love all the characters - know it will be awhile before the next book is out, so I'm pacing myself and reading other things in between the 5 which are already out (will start book 3 soon). I love that George Martin is telling the story from the perspective of so many different characters...We will have to talk more after the next one comes out!
I am also awaiting the next book in the new Justin Cronin series - The Twelve. The Passage was very good - not sure if I mentioned it here or not last year...it's a series with vampires, but not anything like the Twilight vampires - these are vampires of quite a different breed

Yet, I would not call it a "vampire" story - it is much broader than that...
Lynn, I read the first Girl w/ tattoo, but never did read the others...keep forgetting to get back to them...will have to do so...
Still have most of the Harlan Coben books to read! So many books, so little time
