My ENT told me there are hundreds of reasons for tinnitus. I also have ringing on AN side and sometimes very high pitched whistles in my good ear, but this is usually only short term and maybe once a week. It may come from stress, high blood pressure, or one of many other things. My ENT told me to try taking (Gingium intens 120: a medicine made from dried Ginkgo biloba leafs) I'm not sure if this is the same in the US but it has helped a little bit on AN side and I haven't had any ringing, none AN side since I started taking them.
As far as size goes I don't think it matters that much(unless it's a whooper), its the possition. I meet and talked with patience here in germany with very small ANs and queit big problems.
1. 45yr male 3mm AN, 3 months dizzy spells and couldn't work, 3 weeks after surgery he went back to work.
2. 55yr female 6mm AN, 100% AN side facial paralisis, I haven't talked to here since surgery.
3. 27yr male 5mm AN, deaf in An ear.
Dan in Germany