or smack my doctor upside the head but since I am not a violent person
I will just cross my eyes and moan and vent here
Ringing in deaf ear seems to be getting louder and have had an ear ache ... I went in
to be checked for an ear infection and there was none ... more steroids were prescribed
then we moved on to talking about the BAHA fight...
I mentioned talking to people here and similar problems with getting it paid for ...
I was told that maybe I was causing myself more problems by reading too much here...
asked if anyone else had mentioned more ringing in their ears...
... told me sometimes
people in a rough spot take on the symptoms of others with similar problems to justify not
feeling their best
So we are all just making each other sick and can close this board down and go home
... we don't have
ringing in the ears ,dry mouths or metal taste , droopy eyes , drooping mouths or memory problems...
we are not dizzy and no not have headaches other than those cause by worrying too much about
all the things we don't have... there is no such thing as
WONKY HEAD OK... all better... he may be able to go and and get these things out but is almost worthless
as far as treating after effects of surgery ... he honestly does not understand how I feel... he is
nice and I like him but still want to give him a smack like on the V8 juice commercials
and if he felt like coming here and sharing was a bad thing
why does he have the info to get here in his pre-op stuff he gave me