Thanks to all who posted - the words of encouragement are invaluable!
I think that, most of the time, I am doing pretty well. There are, however, moments when I am scared, angry, in denial, etc. I also find that my attention span is about that of a gnat and I am likely to forget what I'm doing while I'm actually doing it! This is all part and parcel of stress, I know. Still, it is disconcerting at times.
I am a huge believe in humor, and that is the primary reason why my husband and I decided (within three days of diagnosis) that this invader needed a name - we picked Ethel. (No reason, it just kind of seemed right). Now, I can blame "Ethel" when I get cranky or forget things - it helps to make it less scary. My brother in law, who has a great capacity to find humor just about anywhere, made a litle sign for us with a picutre of a henchman and it says "Death-el to Ethel". It hangs in my office and serves as a constant reminder that humor is great medicine!
And, as bad as this seems at times, I am ever so aware that other people go through far worse things in life. One of my dearest friends is fightin an incurable cancer - that helps put this into perspective for me. Yes, it sucks, but it could suck SO much worse!
Thaks again to all the wonderful people on this forum. I am SO glad I found you!