Author Topic: wife's surgery and incision pain  (Read 4768 times)


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wife's surgery and incision pain
« on: November 13, 2005, 06:32:14 pm »
my wife, vickie had surgery on Oct. 13 and has swellin & pain in the incision.
Does any one have some suggestions to relieve the pain and swelling?


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Re: wife's surgery and incision pain
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2005, 01:17:19 pm »
Charles, I am certainly not a professional but I wonder if you have checked with your wife's doctor. Could the incision possibly be infected? I'm not sure about anyone else, but I didn't experience pain and swelling in my incision at all. As a matter of fact, that area was totally numb for the first two months. I have just recently started having sharp stabbing pains in my incision area but I think that's because I am healing and the numbness is going away.
Hopefully you can get some help with this. Your wife has already been through a lot and pain and swelling would scare me too. My thoughts and prayers are with you.  Sherry
2.5cm x 3.1cm facial nerve neuroma
removed 8-2-2005(retrosigmoid)
St.Johns Hospital-Springfield,Illinois
Dr.Michael McIlhany and Dr.Carol Bauer
Wait n' watch mode for 8 years.
Gamma Knife at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Chicago,IL. Dr. James P. Chandler. July 10, 2013.


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Re: wife's surgery and incision pain
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2005, 02:03:36 pm »
Charles- My incision is just under 2 weeks old and only feels "tight" with no pain, In fact, its numb. I never felt pain. Did she have the incision pain the whole time?
Good luck. Stay strong. This will all be past you soon enough.


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Re: wife's surgery and incision pain
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2005, 05:04:18 pm »
 Please call her Doctor.  My incision also became swollen and it was an allergic reaction to the antibiotic ointment they had used.  I had never had this reaction before. I became very sick and ended up spending the day at the ENT clincic until they could get me back on track.  It may be nothing, but better to have been concerned.  Your wife is in my thoughts. luv2teachsped
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Re: wife's surgery and incision pain
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2005, 07:58:54 pm »
Thanks for your comments and prayers and thoughts.
This site is a brand new experience for me, but I can already see this brings much encouragement.
I took my wife, Vickie back to her neuro-surgeon and the clinical nurse, Joan cleanned up her incision and took out the 3 nylon stitches and put some stron sealant glue on the pin hole opening in the incision and the incision is now healing already.
we are thankful for your prayers and Praise the Lord for His healing touch.
Chaele & vickie


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Re: wife's surgery and incision pain
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2005, 08:03:49 pm »
Thanks Sherie for your concern and prayers.
We did go to Vickie's Dr. today and the nurse cleaned up the incision and took out the 3 stitches and the incision is now healing.
Praise the Lord for your concern and prayers and thanks


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Re: wife's surgery and incision pain
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2005, 08:07:59 pm »
Thanks for your encouragement.
I took my wife Vickie to her dr. and the nurse, Joan cleaned up the incision and removed the 3 nylon stitches and the incision is now healing.
Praise the Lord for His touch and a good nurse and your concern and encouragement


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Re: wife's surgery and incision pain
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2005, 11:29:17 am »
Thats great news Charles and Vickie. Hope recovery is all smooth sailing now.  :) Sherry
2.5cm x 3.1cm facial nerve neuroma
removed 8-2-2005(retrosigmoid)
St.Johns Hospital-Springfield,Illinois
Dr.Michael McIlhany and Dr.Carol Bauer
Wait n' watch mode for 8 years.
Gamma Knife at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Chicago,IL. Dr. James P. Chandler. July 10, 2013.


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Re: wife's surgery and incision pain
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2005, 12:27:27 pm »
Awesome news! Great to hear that she has turned a page.


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Re: wife's surgery and incision pain
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2005, 07:00:47 pm »
    Good News! God is Good! My incision "leaked" for over 5 months before I finally called the doctor.  When he opened the "pin hole areas" expecting to see a stitch which had absessed, there were two tiny hairs, absessed. I wear my hair short and had a hair cut before my incision healed!Dumb!!! So it never hurts to ask! Please tell your wife she's in my prayers also!  ;Dluv2teach
3cmx3cm/translab 5/05
University of Michigan
Dr.Telian and Dr.Thompson

BAHA implant-4/07, processor on 8/07


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Re: wife's surgery and incision pain
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2005, 10:11:13 am »
Thanks to all of you that have resonded to my request.  Your comments have been very encouraging to both me and my wife.
I am taking Vickie back to the Dr. today and will mention about any hairs.
Please let me know if I can be of help to you and pray for you.


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Re: wife's surgery and incision pain
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2005, 10:04:08 am »
 ;)  Dear all,
I wanted to give you all an update on my wife, Vickie's progress.
She was still having drainage from the spinal fluid and coming out of the incision last Weds, so her Dr. ordered a Cat Scan.
She had the cat scan and found a sac like leakage behind the opening they had made in the skull.
Her Dr. decided to do surgery on Thursday to drain the sac like memberane and re-seal the skull opening.
This surgery proved to be successfull, so Vickie stayed in the hospital 3 days and is now home recuperating.
Thanks for your concern and prayers.


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Re: wife's surgery and incision pain
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2005, 12:44:55 pm »
Charels and Vickie, Sorry to hear you had to face another surgery but great to hear all is going well now. I wanted to wish you both a very Happy Thanksgiving.
This holiday has new meaning for me this year. I understand what "thankful" really means. God Bless.     Sherry
2.5cm x 3.1cm facial nerve neuroma
removed 8-2-2005(retrosigmoid)
St.Johns Hospital-Springfield,Illinois
Dr.Michael McIlhany and Dr.Carol Bauer
Wait n' watch mode for 8 years.
Gamma Knife at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Chicago,IL. Dr. James P. Chandler. July 10, 2013.


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Re: wife's surgery and incision pain
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2005, 07:41:24 am »
I'm glad everything is going well.   As my mother always told me ( and I didn't listen for years) " It's better to be safe than sorry".   When in dought call the doctor.   That's what he's there for.

A speedy recovery to Vickie.