Author Topic: HAD MY SECOND FOLLOW UP MRI TODAY  (Read 4169 times)


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« on: March 21, 2008, 03:52:42 pm »
Hi everyone.  I had my second MRI done today, so am rather anxious for the results next week to see if there has been any
changes or increased growth.  The only difference I notice since the last MRI last year, is some vertigo at times off and on, which
I didn't have last year at the time of diagnosis.  Maybe I did have some, but I just attributed it to allergies since I am allergic to
every tree and grass. I don't know is the hearing in my left ear is any worse, because I now use my right ear to answer the phone.
I am not sure how important the hearing loss is at this point.  I have only had one hearing test about 8 months ago and at that
time my tinnitus was distracting.  So, I will just wait to hear what the results are and go from there.  Its nice to watch and wait,
but sometimes it gets rather nerve racking. I hope everyone on this post has a nice Easter.  I will post my results once I receive
6x8x12 mm diagnosed 7/11/07 left side AN watch and wait. Partial hearing loss
left ear. Second MRI done 03/21/2008 waiting results. Unchanged from last year. 1.3 cm.Third MRI done 02/16/2009 1.3 cm unchanged. 4th MRI 12/18/09  Still 1.3 no growth, just some vascular chgs noted.MRI 11-30-12 no growth


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« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2008, 11:46:21 pm »
Hi Agnes,

It is nice to hear from you. Watching and waiting does have a way of turning into watching and waiting and waiting and waiting...

I know what you mean about the tinnitus and hearing tests. I asked my audiologist about that, and she said they know, but that is part of the what the hearing test is for. They try to make the little beeps sound different from tinnitus, at least.

It doesn't sound like your AN is moving very fast, so you will probably still have the option of waiting some more. If you do feel that you need to consider treatment, you should have lots of time to investigate options, doctors, and hospitals. Let us know what the MRI shows.

8 mm left AN June 2007,  CK at Stanford Sept 2007.
Hearing lasted a while, but left side is deaf now.
Right side is weak too. Life is quiet.


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« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2008, 07:50:45 am »
Thanks for the reply Steve. I read so much on this site  and hear about what others have to endure, so I guess I have to
be pretty thankful at this point that I am not having a lot of symptoms.  Thats not to say they won't develop in the future.
The man who did my MRI yesterday stated that he has been in this line of business for 20 years, and he found mine very
interesting.  Most of the acoustic neuroma's he has seen through the MRI were very, very large. I know that by reading
this forum that sometimes they are not detected until they get quite large, or even individuals with very small ones seem
to cause a lot of problems. I guess it is where they are located when they start to grow.
I will let you know as soon as my results come back next week.  I really appreciate this website and everyone on it. It is
always good to know when you have something, that you are not alone.  It makes it so much easier when you can converse
with others and share their experiences, some are good and some are not so good, but everyone needs support.
happy easter. 
6x8x12 mm diagnosed 7/11/07 left side AN watch and wait. Partial hearing loss
left ear. Second MRI done 03/21/2008 waiting results. Unchanged from last year. 1.3 cm.Third MRI done 02/16/2009 1.3 cm unchanged. 4th MRI 12/18/09  Still 1.3 no growth, just some vascular chgs noted.MRI 11-30-12 no growth


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« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2008, 11:58:22 am »
Hi Agnes - another "wait and watcher" here.  My wait has gone on for 6-1/2 years.  Yes, it can be mind consuming but once I get that "no change" yearly report, I try to busy myself and my mind with other issues (which I've also had many of).  Mine is a 9th cranial nerve schwannoma - almost like an AN which is on the 8th cranial nerve.  If I had symptoms, it would affect my swallowing and gag reflex - no problems there.  I do occasionally have a dull ache in that ear and tinnitus.  Also sometimes the back third of my tongue on that side will feel like it is burned like from hot food.  I have been told that since everything is so close between the cranial nerves that some of what I am feeling could affect the AN nerve.  It was originally found incidentally when I had a very bad headache - "oh, by the way, you have a brain tumor"!!  The headache ended up to be blood pressure related and the tumor measured in at approximately 9 mm.  After 6-1/2 years it is approximately 12 mm - so 3 mm in that amount of time they feel is not really "growth" but technical difference - different technician, different machines, different radiologists' measurements.  They tell me I can go to MRI's every two years but, even though the procedure takes a lot of out me and the family, I'm not sure I can wait two years - we'll see - I'm not due again until next November.
Please keep us posted and good luck,
9th cranial nerve schwannoma - like an acoustic neuroma on another nerve. Have recently been told it could be acoustic neuroma. Only 7 mm of growth in 18 years. With no symptoms. Continuing W&W


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« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2008, 05:51:11 pm »
Thanks Sheryl for the encouragement.  I was told to wait 1 year for a follow up MRI, but much like yourself, as long as my insurance
covers it, I am going anywhere from 6 months to a year.  I just want to keep track of how much it is growing, if it is growing etc.
I want to have the control if you know what I mean.  When the times comes that I have to have something done, then I will.
If it's not broke, don't fix it.  My symptoms are very minor at this point.  I have probably had this for a long time...until I started losing
hearing I never knew it was there at all.  Once again, thank you for posting.  I so much enjoy hearing from others.
6x8x12 mm diagnosed 7/11/07 left side AN watch and wait. Partial hearing loss
left ear. Second MRI done 03/21/2008 waiting results. Unchanged from last year. 1.3 cm.Third MRI done 02/16/2009 1.3 cm unchanged. 4th MRI 12/18/09  Still 1.3 no growth, just some vascular chgs noted.MRI 11-30-12 no growth