I can offer some advice regarding the ringing in the ears - based on my own experience. I have hearing aids for both ears, and, when they are working without any problems

, the ringing actually goes away - even when I take them out. If I take the weekend off (from wearing them), the ringing will come back - after a few days.
Sound is noticably different in my left (AN) ear, than in my right. When I listen through a telephone - through my left ear - it sounds like someone is talking in the bottom of a tin can. And, it's not very legible. I was diagnosed as having nerve damage in both ears, but I am dependent on my right ear, as I hear more clearly through this ear. When I advised my last audiologist of my first experience with hearing loss - I was a passenger in a car, stopped at the stop sign, when someone (standing on the street corner) threw a stick of dynamite right on my lap). I panicked, and brushed the fizzy little thing (at the time I had no idea what it was, as it all happended so fast) right off my lap and onto the driver's lap (again, I panicked and knew I didn't even have time to think), just as the driver brushed it back off, right back onto my lap, and, at this point, I was able to think, so I brushed it off right onto the floor of the car, when all of a sudden, BOOOOM!! The entire car was completely engulfed in smoke, and I couldn't hear a damn thing - for hours. This happened in my late teens, as I am now 40 years old. My hearing came back several hours later. I don't recall have a daily problem (with hearing) in the years following that experience. I do; however, believe that incident caused my nerve damage in both ears. It was about six years ago that I found myself continually asking people 'what?', or 'huh?' on a daily basis. I believe the nerve damage slowly progressed over the years. And, I believe it bothered me (asking others to repeat) more than it did them (to repeat).
Hopefully you're reading this to the end, as I'm now finished beating around the bush

and would like to advise you of an excellent recommendation I just received from my last audiologist - refrain from wearing the hearing aid in the left ear, and get the right ear turned up higher. Although the hearing aids have helped, I still cannot comprehend some words - when other's can. Since I always spoke on the telephone with my left ear, it seemed hard to 'think' when I began using my right ear. This only lasted several weeks - as I can't imagine going back to the left.
Hope this helps.