Let me explain further my conversations with medical underwriters from American General, West Coast Life, Transamerica, Old Line Mutual and a couple of others. I explained my history, this was last year about 18 months post FSR. I told them the initial size of the tumoe, about 1.0x1.1x1.1. On my 18 month MRI my AN was 1.5x1.4x1.2. My Radiologist was unconcerned and said this swelling was normal.
If you are not in the insurance business, you can OFTEN be very upset with how the medical directors view various medical conditions. From what they told me, they were concerned that the tumor was still there and had not been removed and that the tumoe appeared to them it was growing. I attempted to educatethem and gave them my doctor's phone number.
Since then I have developed some additional health problems, including 2 moderately blocked arteries as well as some evere HBP that is not responding to the meds I am using, still working on this.
What is needed, is for someone that is considering the purchase of life insurance , and has no additional health problems, to fight the system. I would be willing to help, I represent over 50 different companies .
If the underwriters aren't educated, many people will be denied or offered high priced life and disability insurance. I'm sure disability underwriters are going to be tough to change.