Karen--I see that we are alumni of the same hospital! And I am definitely coming to understand that once you've had an AN, though it's healthy to "move on", it's not very smart to try and move it completely off your radar (which had my strategy these past 2 decades, even with facial asymmetry and dry eye conspiring to remind me about it daily!) I haven't yet reached a decision, but after hearing so many very different stories, am feeling a little more comfortable with the uncertainty (On the other hand, I'm still not happy waiting till May 28 for info from the radiation oncologist my neurosurgeon referred me to--first appt he has available--and may consult with another radiosurgeon in the meantime...)
Debbi--I see that your AN is roughly the same size as mine; was it the position that ruled out CK for you? And I see that your surgery is right around the corner--I'm sure you are very relieved to have the waiting almost over! I wish you a great result and a speedy recovery!
Eve--I have been thinking that I'd like to know more about the tumor location and how it differs from last time. Of course, the fact that Shands (where I got the '88 surgery done) has DESTROYED MY RECORDS (I kid you not) has made doing a comparison impossible. At this point, on a longshot, I'm trying to get my records from Ohio, where we lived for several years before moving to Massachusetts, and where I remember having my records forwarded for the one followup appt I had there (I really did think that this tumor was a one-time thing

Did your neurosurgeons volunteer the info about position, etc, or did you have to pump them? Also, thanks so much for your PM, which I will be responding to!
Thanks again, everyone, for all your support and information. I feel so much more grounded and ready to tackle this than I did when I first posted!