Author Topic: Margie's Blog and You Tube video of her surgical experience  (Read 1721 times)


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Margie's Blog and You Tube video of her surgical experience
« on: April 08, 2008, 08:36:49 am »
Posted by her friend as she is yet pretty ill.

   Hi to you all,
If anyone is interested on reading my blog on my experiences of my surgery and hospital experiences you can go to and go down the page, click on My Blogs, then click on My Acoustic Neuroma surgery.  Also, could those who have the time please circulate this blog address to as many forums, sites, individuals as possible.  I would be very grateful.  Just would like to try and help as many people, who may be have gone/are going through this, as possible.
I have just uploaded daily video clips that were taken of me while in hospital to my computer and once have named them etc will upload them onto youtube.  I will also be circulating the names of these videos so anyone interested can watch them on youtube.
Thanks to you all for the support you have shown me the last few months.  I now would like to do the same for future ANers as well as past ANers, where possible.
Best wishes,
Mo (Glasgow)