My synkinesis is getting better. You have to keep at the exercises. My insurance covers PT, I just needed a referral, so I would imagine most insurance plans would have some coverage for it.
Cheryl is right, you have to really retrain those muscles and your brain to do what you want. You have to watch yourself in the mirror and really concentrate on the cheek muscle relaxing as you try to blink, or the lip or whatever part is moving when it shouldn't. Then eventually, the idea is that the blink muscle will become strong enough that it will sortof overpower the need for the cheek to feel like it has to join in. You really should look into the PT because even if you only go a few times, it will help. It's not easy to isolate those little facial muscles to get just the right ones moving, but if you have someone who knows how to explain it to you and watch you closely while you are doing the exercises, you can make sure you are doing them right at home.
The synkinesis in my cheek is minimal at this point, and probably, I'm the only one who can notice it. It's still pretty strong in my lip, but I have seen slight improvement. Just stick with it and think positive! I'm at 14 1/2 months post op, and I'm still seeing improvements. This is more patience than I 've even needed before, but I finally had to learn that some things I can't contol and I just have to do what I can and hope that this too shall pass!
Hang in there! And get thee to a PT! (very Shakespearean of me...I wanted to try to sound smart!