I have scheduled my first annual MRI for Monday - about 6 weeks early, but I'm anxious to get it over with.
When I called the hospital they told me that due to the gadolinium that they would be using for the contrast, I have to have blood work prior to the MRI and that I'd need a doctor's order for this. Well, I have the Rx the doctor gave me for the MRI, but no blood order. I talked to one of his staff members, who told me that the hospital is now "sometimes" requesting blood work prior to MRIs and that "sometimes" it's based on the age of the patient
When I had my first MRI, the one that found my AN, I had gadolinium but needed no blood tests. This is at a different hospital, so maybe it's just their policy, but I'm not sure. Apparently the blood tests I need are a BUN and a cre-at-tin (phonetic spelling since I have no clue how to spell it - nor do I even know what it is for).
I'm a little ticked off by this because I decided to have the MRI at the hospital where I had my surgery, which isn't the closest hospital to my house; and in addition, I scheduled the MRI for 2 p.m. but now I have to be there at 11:15 to pre-register and have my blood drawn by noon so they have the results in time for the MRI. So what I was hoping would be an afternoon off of work, is now turning into a whole day off of work
Did anyone else have to have blood work prior to their post treatment MRI? Or is it just me because I'm so lucky and apparently "old"