It's great to read so many inspiring stories and see such positive outlooks.Recently, I have spent a great deal of time reflecting on the past 6 years since I was diagnosed with NF2. In that time period, I have gone through 3 AN surgeries, and the last one left me deaf.
I have been a teacher for 20 years. I taught band for 16 years and thought that my diagnosis meant the end of my career. Thankfully,withsome hard work and great support from my family and friends, i have moved to another position within my school district.
Last Spring, April 18 to be exact, I had my third AN surgery. I had many complications and nearly died on more than one occasion.
Thankfully, I have recovered well. I can now do most of the things that I want to do.
I am most thankful for my wonderful wife and great daughter. They have taken great care of me. AndN while I knew that my coIworkers were great, I have been humbled by their kindness and their generosity. They have really taken care of me, at both work and home.
And, I have gained insight into how people perceive those who are different (I look funny, walk funny,talk funny, and can't hear a thing). Generally, people who don't know me or didn't know me aren't sure about me (I think that my persecution complex is showing
I have been forced to find new interests (anybody want to buy my 300+ record albums?). I think that nurturing my new interests has helped me to improve cognitively.
I also think that I have a renewed appreciation of people and the things things that make them unique. Sometimes I feel like George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life.
Life is good!
Take care,