Hi, Mony,
I also contemplated HEI (they have done most regrowths in the US) but ended up at SBI and did not regret it so far. My case was much more complicated than yours. Remember, ALL doors are open to you. Only two neurosurgeons in my case said that they would attempt to remove all of the tumor without damaging my facial nerve - Dr. Sen of NYC and Dr. Shahinian of SBI. Others suggested other things, a combination of approaches that involved radiation. I did not want that and felt that I could do radiation in a distant future IF my tumor regrows again. Both of these doctors remove very large tumors of all kinds. I already have a huge scar that runs from the top of my head down to my neck. Dr. Sen does not do endoscopic AN and would do another traditional retrosigmoid with another metal plate. That scar was painful for 10 years and those were headaches that were not relieved by any OTC painkillers. I did not want anybody messing with an already healed scar so that left me with Dr. Shahinian at SBI, even though I felt both doctors were equally good at removing the tumor without the facial nerve damage.
HEI, by the way, suggested translab so I made an appointment in NYC with the doctors who do translab. They took a look at my scar and MRI and told me that they would also have to "borrow from the existing scar". I guess my original scar is just too big and the neurosurgeons have to mess with it in any traditional approach. Dr. Shahinian put his endoscopes in through the existing metal plate. It did not hurt at all! No morphine after surgery and no headaches at all afterwards! I suppose here I have an advantage because taking out bone -any amount- hurts. The second scar is small - only 8 or 9 stitches. I have seen scars from HEI and those are about 19 stitches. Very little hair is shaved also so you don't really look any different.
There is another doctor on the East Coast who does endoscopic AN surgery- Dr. Jho at Pittsburgh. He is from South Korea and is also very experienced. Let me know if you cannot find his website. I would definitely consider him if I were a newbie and his consultation is free. His approach is slightly different and his staff can put you together with his former patients. Judging by your area code, this is easier to travel to for surgery, follow ups and (God forbid) any complications. He cautioned me that he has not done any regrowths and my chances with him were not good, but this cannot be true for you since you have a new, small to medium size tumor.
Insurance at SBI is a different question and there are cases where all the amount is paid and where the patient pays a sum. His staff can tell you about your insurance when they take a look at it. i know HEI and Dr. Jho would accept whatever the insurance would pay but not Dr. Shahinian.
I cannot talk over the phone unfortunately because my husband needs it for his business and then my teenager uses it afterwards. We should really consider more than one line! However, I can answer e-mails and any questions you have. I hope your search goes well and you come to any decision soon! Much success to you and best wishes!
P.S. Search also on "endoscopic". Don't forget
www.status.com. Some people posted their experiences there, so you will learn a lot!