I am so tired of asking the same people to repeat themselves, over and over. Each time they 'have to' repeat themselves, I either get the 'oh, I forgot you were disabled' look, or the 'I am so sick of repeating things to you' look. In any event, I always get that brief 'stare' before the next attempt is made. Then, when they repeat themselves, they do it in the SAME TONE. Sometimes, I get a huff and a puff - as if it's putting them out of their way to repeat a small sentence. If I didn't hear you the first, or second time, sometimes I just give up and pretend like I heard you, and then I just nod my head in agreement (if it's small talk/non-work related). One of my coworkers knows about my medical condition, yet she feels it's 'my problem, not hers', so she refuses to turn her head to face me when she speaks (she sits behind me with her back facing me) - as I cannot hear whispers, or words - when someone's back is turned and they are speaking to me. Sometimes, I get a very loud SHOUT
that nearly scares me out of my chair. That's not necessary, but it sure entertains a group of coworkers - as I turn my head (after hearing my name SHOUTED), and see that everyone is giggling, joyfully, at the expense of my hearing condition - just because I didn't answer the first time. At other times, it's just too much effort to repeat themselves, and I get the 'oh, just forget it' response.
Funny, at my job - Now, anytime someone doesn't have an explanation as to why they did something wrong, they blame it on ME 'Oh, but I told Vicki to do it...she must not have heard' - when THEY KNOW that is a flat-out FABRICATION. Just the other day, a coworker lost something important. When confronted by another, her look actually read 'oh, damn, I must have tossed it in the trash', but, instead, she said 'Oh...I...uh...GAVE THAT TO VICKI!' Then, everyone around had the same 'she's deaf, not blind' look on their faces.
I've reached my boiling point with this issue, and I've decided to turn the tables. I've decided I'm going to start speaking to others (the repeat offenders) - just as I hear them
. I'm going to start speaking very softly, with my back turned. If they actually hear me, I will bump it down - just out of their range. I will start mumbling as if I am speaking to myself. If I mumble the first time, and realize they didn't hear me, I will shout LOUDLY, AGAIN, so that they can be embarrassed in front of everyone else, too. Then, I will laugh, sarcastically, as if your 'stupidity' made my day. They will find themselves CONSTANTLY asking me 'what did you say?', or 'were you saying something to me?' I will huff and I will puff. I will hesitate, stare, and sometimes sigh (this is beginning to sound like the hearing-impaired's oath
) If I find they are sick and tired of finding the need to constantly ask me 'huh'? maybe I will advise them to see an audiologist, or a doctor. I may sympathize with them, and offer my own personal experience, along with advice 'you know, I NEVER expected to be diagnosed with a brain tumor...'
It bothers me to know that it's the behavior of others that has led me to stooping to their levels, but I firmly believe it's the only idea that will work...