Author Topic: Help  (Read 3114 times)


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« on: April 16, 2008, 11:32:01 am »
I am so frustrated with my lightheadedness. I'm in the wait and see pattern, but I don't know if I can take this much longer. I only have pure dizziness( room spinning ) once in a blue moon but I seem to have the lightheadedness and inability to focus while moving all the time. This makes my neck feel tired from carrying around a head that feels like it weighs a hundred pounds. Anybody else have this feeling and what can I do ?


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Re: Help
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2008, 11:45:56 am »
K, it is my understanding that your AN has not been treated and you were recently researching your treatment options for your small AN.... where does that stand now? Also, keeping stress down will help offset (although, not entirely) symptoms.

some may be stress related. Have you pursued treatment options or as you continue to wait/watch, there are stress relievers you can do to help minimize the symptoms?  The "head that feels like it weighs a hundred pounds" isn't typical (not saying it can't happen, but not typical) for AN of that size (my understanding is that it is under 1cm but it's percise location, to me, unknown)..... to my knowledge.

take a deeeeeeeep breath... hang in there.
"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: Help
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2008, 11:53:11 am »
I have had the very same issue for quite some time.  I am having mine AN removed translab next month.  In the mean time I have tried various different prescriptions and over the counter motion sickenss medications.  Mostly they just make me tired which at times makes my "spinnies" worse.  I try to lay down WHENEVER I can and close my eyes, even if its' for 20 minutes.  I have a great boss who lets me lay my head down every afternoon for 20 minutes.  I work with a computer all day and my eyes get buggy and I get dizzy alot working.  Every couple of days I take medication to "help".  But mostly I try to rest whenever I can.  I find that fatigue and stress makes mine much worse.  I have tried Meclizine, Anavert (sp), valium, and over the counter things like dramamine.  THe valium actually is a very low does and I take it every 3 days or so just to relax me and help me unwind and that does seem to help.  Best of luck to you.  I know how it feels.  I'm not able to read as much as I used to and I used to read a book a week, I dont' drive anywhere except to and from work and other absolutely necessary destinations....I get dizzy when i drive at times.  I woudl talk to your doc and see about getting some sort of medicinal help.  But like I say, they all tend to make me tired which in turn makes me more dizzy unless I am able to lie down for awhile after I take it.  but everyone is different, maybe it would be of some benefit to you.  It's worth a try :)  

Melissa--spining round and round on the merry-go-round
1.6cm X 1.6cm diagnosed Jan 30 2008
Translab Surgery scheduled for May 15th with Surgery went well, got ALMOST all of it.
GK to zap the rest on 10/22/08
2010 MRI showed no new growth tumor measuring at that time at 1.1 x .4
2011 Holding steady
2012 new growth 1.7 x .7 :( :(

Jim Scott

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Re: Help
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2008, 02:08:38 pm »

I'm sorry to learn of your problems with disequilibrium/vertigo, etc.  No fun at all.   :(

I checked your previous posts and see that your AN is 9mm, which is tiny (as acoustic neuromas go) but it may be compromising the vestibular nerve.  You may also have an infection of the vestibular nerve, but as I'm not a doctor, that is pure speculation on my part and not to be taken as a diagnosis, just a thought.   These symptoms, including the fatigue, are not common with a small AN, although not completely unheard of, either.  When discussing an acoustic neuroma, location can be the most important factor in determining the cause of specific symptoms, such as your's.   This factor (location) may be the culprit in your case. 

I would suggest that if the dizziness, lightheadedness and inability to focus are severely impacting your quality of life, treatment to destroy the AN may well be advisable.  Non-invasive radiation would seem to be the way to go but surgery is also possible.  These are decisions made between you and your doctor.  You should make him aware of how much the dizziness/lightheadedness are affecting you and that taking drugs to mask the symptoms is not helping.  If your doctor cannot (or will not) help you, change doctors.  AN's can be treated and even though yours is quite small, it shouldn't be allowed to negatively affect your life to the extent it has.  It may be time to cease watching and waiting and take positive action.  Again: talk to your doctor...soon.

Let us know what happens and how you're doing.  We care and want you to remain connected.  :)


4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.

Sam Rush

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Re: Help
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2008, 02:51:04 pm »
Another opinion:

If you are relatively young, and in otherwise good health, then radiation would NOT be the way to go, as no-one really knows the long term effects of radiating benign tumors like AN's. Microsurgery would get rid of it, and in experienced hands, one that size has an almost zero chance of recurrence.

(Phyl, better make some popcorn)

1 cm AN translab, Dr. Brackmann, Dr. Schwartz, Dr Doherety HEI   11/04   Baha 7/05


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Re: Help
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2008, 03:06:05 pm »
oh, Sam... you really REALLY don't want to push my buttons today... trust me... don't even go there!!!!!!!! Radio is a VERY viable treatment option for AN's regardless of age........ too many of us as walking proof... AND most importantly... it is a personal decision, based on each person's situation.....  it is not for us to sway someone's decision one way or another... it is up to us, as fellow AN'ers, to share in our experiences and let the person decide for themselves....

Sam, don't do it... trust me on that one.......

*pulls out 12' bullwhip and sits back*
"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: Help
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2008, 06:24:41 pm »
My doctor has recommended radiation. I'm sending my mri and hearing tests to House. I have been told by one doctor that a small AN can cause extreme dizziness because it causes both sides to work against each other. He said as it grows it will shut down the one side and the other side will compensate. Anyone else heard of this?


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Re: Help
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2008, 06:36:04 pm »
Hi K,

Not heard of it, necessarily, but I experienced dizziness/vertigo started about six years ago and it was awful!!!  I ended up in the emergency room at one point due to being so dehydrated from being so sick from the vertigo.  I lived on antivert for many months - it eventually did get better, though I still suffer mildly from it...I know now, from what I've learned since being diagnosed a couple of months ago, that my brain must have finally just compensated for the tumor which would have been very small at that point.

Hope you can find relief soon - it really is a horrible thing to have to live with.  By the way, I sent my MRI to House and surgery was recommended, but I have not made any decision on treatment yet.  But am so glad to have found this site to hang out in in the meantime.  Take care,

rt side 1.5 cm - Translab on 11/07/08 Dr. Friedman & Dr. Schwartz of House Ear Institute,
feeling great!

"Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing well those you do hold."  Josh Billings


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Re: Help
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2008, 07:01:18 pm »
Hi K,

HEI works in conjuction with a GammaKnife facility, but HEI focus is microsurgery... just FYI.

Please keep in mind one thing... AN's tend to sit on vestibular nerves.... thus... our balance, regardless of which treatment option chosen, can be affected.  I know of those that had surgery... and radiation/radiosurgery... and balance can be a major issue for most AN patients. Please see the "Balance" forum here for further info.

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: Help
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2008, 07:07:54 pm »
K>>>I have an AN inside my cochlea, so they are going to nothing. It is destroying both hearing and balance.

So I am living with it. It is extremely unpleasant. I feel for you. It sucks like a tornado.

These are my coping mechanisms:

Walk a lot. I mean A LOT.  Walk for hours outside, over hill and dale. It helps the balance system on the other side learn how to compensate for what is dying on the other. I was surprised what a difference this makes for me.

Get a lot of rest, and reduce stress as much as possible.

Try to avoid things like energy drinks and lots of coffee and sugar, which cause your blood sugar to go whoopie and then crash.

Eat really good food; fruits, veggies, whole grains, regular snacks, about 6 times a day. Keeps your blood sugar on an even keel.

Valium will actually calm the vestibular nerve down and stop vertigo. It is habit forming, but if you don't make a habit of it, you won't form a habit. I only take it when things get really bad. Valium will also make you dizzy, so a little bedtime dose is what I usually use if I had a bad day.


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Re: Help
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2008, 07:34:19 pm »
I just want to say how refreshing this forum is. Thank you for your responses!


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Re: Help
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2008, 07:55:17 pm »
Valium will actually calm the vestibular nerve down and stop vertigo. It is habit forming, but if you don't make a habit of it, you won't form a habit. I only take it when things get really bad. Valium will also make you dizzy, so a little bedtime dose is what I usually use if I had a bad day.

agreed. Was on short term course of 2mg/2x day of valium for approx 2-3 wks to help the vertigo as other medicinal options didn't work...  was on it approx 4 mos post CK for short time frame. Usually prescribed for such for short term..... I believe Dr. Medbery on the CK Patient Support board has also done posts about it there.

K..... me likes the word "refreshing"... I tend to use the word "lively" around these parts! :)

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: Help
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2008, 10:25:08 am »
I have a friend who is a pt....I met her after my surgery. She said she wished she had known me before surgery when my dizziness was present as she worked with a lot of vestibular patients. So you may want to get a referral to a pt for vestibular therapy. It might help......
Surgery June 3, 2004, University Hospitals Cleveland, BAHA received in 2005, Facial Therapy at UPMC 2006


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Re: Help
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2008, 12:19:21 pm »

I too am pretreatment and have a relatively small AN that is causing me all kinds of fits! Imbalance, mild nausea and dizziness being my worst complaint. The ANA booklet on balance has some exercises that I just started. Also my AN Dr gave me a sheet of exercises he is connected with Barrows Neurological and a balance center, also. I too find my BEST bet is laying down eyes closed about 20 minutes at least once during the day. From what I understand with the exercises the balance can be retrained to some extent, but to do the exercises twice a day. They make you dizzier as you do them but within a short period of time it is supposed to help.

Take care,

Dizzy Dame, Mary
Diagnosed March 24, 2008, 1.1cm, right side, "Goldie" - small but mighty!! :-(
Hearing, lottsa balance problems and a few facial twitches before CK
CK June 2, 2008, BNI in PHX, Drs Daspit/Kresl, side effects,steroids helped. Getting "sea legs".
Apr 2012 - Still glad I chose CK


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Re: Help
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2008, 08:30:16 am »
I had bouts of vertigo pre-diagnosis of AN.  Had FSR for my AN.  Still am light headed daily, and deal with bad bouts of vertigo.  Two neuro's and one ent told me some people had vertigo all their lives and it never goes away.  I guess I'm one of them.  Tiredness does effect it and makes it worse, as does stress.  I feel for you.  Hang in there.

6mm x 8mm left AN FSR 26 treatments Nov.-Dec.2005
MD Anderson Orlando, Fl.