I'm sorry to learn of your problems with disequilibrium/vertigo, etc. No fun at all.

I checked your previous posts and see that your AN is 9mm, which is tiny (as acoustic neuromas go) but it
may be compromising the vestibular nerve. You may also have an infection of the vestibular nerve, but as I'm
not a doctor, that is pure speculation on my part and not to be taken as a diagnosis, just a thought. These symptoms, including the fatigue, are not common with a small AN, although not completely unheard of, either. When discussing an acoustic neuroma,
location can be the most important factor in determining the cause of specific symptoms, such as your's. This factor (location) may be the culprit in your case.
I would suggest that if the dizziness, lightheadedness and inability to focus are severely impacting your quality of life, treatment to destroy the AN may well be advisable. Non-invasive radiation would seem to be the way to go but surgery is also possible. These are decisions made between you and your doctor. You should make him aware of how much the dizziness/lightheadedness are affecting you and that taking drugs to mask the symptoms is not helping. If your doctor cannot (or will not) help you, change doctors. AN's can be treated and even though yours is quite small, it shouldn't be allowed to negatively affect your life to the extent it has. It may be time to cease watching and waiting and take positive action. Again: talk to your doctor...soon.
Let us know what happens and how you're doing. We care and want you to remain connected.