well, I deem this as a possible "AN Issue", thus, posting here......
I know there has been talk in the past about this, but wanted to survey you all on this.....
A few yrs ago, I began (later in life, eh?) to suffer seasonal allergies (ie: high pollen, etc). Now, recently.... granted, the pollen count is currently VERY high here in S. New England...... I've been having a lot of ear blockage and headaches on the back side of my head (approx occipital location). Now, I have no sinus pressure across my face or forehead.
Now, we know our ears have a direct correllation to the sinuses... and am curious if any of you have enhanced balance issues, ear blockage (like airplane cabin pressure), headaches, etc come seasonal allergies? I'm doing a great, enhanced version of a Weeble (you know that toy... "weeble's wobble but they don't fall down") with more wonky head and definate ear pressure.
Any of you notice that when it's seasonal allergy time, you all feel enhanced ear pressure, balance issues, etc? More than usual?