I am actually breathing a little easier now. Folks are not kidding when they say that at times the treatment decision is the hardest part. Waiting and microsurgery were out for me, so I was left with the CK vs. GK decision. It wasn't easy

I’ve been frustrated over the fact that there is not a MAJOR determining factor between the two. I wanted the picture to be clearer for me. I was even hoping the doctors would say "I strongly recommend this" or "You should strongly consider that". I have to admit that I was scared of this new found "entitlement". Previous surgeries that I've had were all so cut and dry type things where the doctors told me what they were going to do, they went in and did it and I all was done. Not this time, nope! Instead I was given homework to research ANs and both radiosurgery treatments for it. And I'm fortunate for that because that is how I found this AWESOME board filled with AWESOME people. But most of all, it is how I met a special lady from my neighboring town. MaryBKARIZ has been with me from the very beginning of my diagnosis. I finally met her in person at a local AN support group meeting. I can't thank GOD or fate or whomever or whatever it was that brought our paths to cross. While I have my husband and my children and all the rest of my family, Mary is the only person in my life that understands my frustrations, worries, anxieties...all of it. THANK YOU MARY!!!
The "big" days for me are May 28th, 29th and 30th. I'm being treated at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, AZ. I have great confidence in my team of medical professionals. I'd love to hear from any of you who had CK, what your experiences were like and what I might expect on treatment day(s).