Hi Rocky,
I was very impressed with Georgetown. I chose that facility because on the east coast, they seemed to have a good amount of experience. I went up in November for consults. They required I speak with a neurosurgeon first, which was Dr. Walter Jean. To be honest, by the time I went up there I had already made my mind up for CK but Dr. Jean was very nice explaining the surgical options. Then saw Dr. Gagnon. We discusssed the 3 vs 5 treatment protocols. Since I had minimal hearing issues, I chose the 5 as he said this may have slightly better hearing preservation rates than 3. The following day I was fitted with the mask and had the CT done. That was it. Then went back in January for treatment which was a walk in the park. Well except I really should have my eyes shut. I got a little tickled at myself because I opened my eyes when that eye was right over my head. I'm in no way claustrophic but for some reason, that bothered me.
If you need it, they have a Marriott hotel right behind the hospital and if you contact the patient advocate in advance, you might be able to get a reduced rate. They only allow so many rooms for CKers. That was so convenient.
If you have any questions feel free to send me a private message so it will show up on email. Before treatment, I was on this site constantly and not get on a few times a week.
By the way, if you want more specific contact info there, just let me know and I'll find it all for you. No problem at all.
Take care,