Hi, Wendy:
You have every reason to be anxious about the delimma facing you. For patients without your medical history, i.e. prior high exposure to radiation, the surgery/radiation question can be vexing. Obviously, for you it is more so. I can understand your angst and I would feel the same way in your shoes. Of course, as patients, albeit with practical experience and some insight into AN-related issues, we cannot offer any credible
medical advice, but we
can offer support for whatever decision you make on this serious issue. I note that
Jan ,
Phyl and
Palace have already done so. I'll now add my name to that list.

It is a very good idea to speak to a radiation oncologist for advice, both in person and online, as a doctor specializing in radiation treatment will have the kind of expertise you really need. However, if your gut tells you not to go with radiation, then by all means, obey that first instinct. If you ignore it and go ahead with radiation when you harbor deep fears about it's possible negative effects, this will make it far more difficult and your healing could be impacted, too. That is not a positive situation.
Because surgery is the only other viable option if you reject radiation, then perhaps the surgery, hospitalization and any attending issues will seem less of a trauma for you. One hopes.

Although surgery does pose some risks (infection, CSF leaks, facial or other nerve-related problems post-op) many AN patients do not have any real post-op complications (Jim grins sheepishly as he raises his hand). Again, doctor's advice and your own good judgment should - and will, I'm sure - guide your decision.
The bottom line for your friends here is that we wish you great success with whatever approach you chose to take, Wendy. Please let us know what you decide.