Hi All-
I'm here - home, that is! Yesterday was a VERY long day - had my first IV of the day at the hospital - the vein in that arm was just about shot, so it was long and fairly uncomfortable.
While that IV was still dripping, the "limo" guy showed up with a bed to take me to radiology to get the PICC line installed. I must say that it was quite unpleasant - probably because I really didn't know what to expect. They just used some lidocaine to numb things up (which, IMO, doesn't really work well). Mid-way through, I got really anxious and the next thing I knew, I was crying! I was so embarrassed. There I was, laying there with a thing in my arm, with my left eye crying for all it was worth. I think it was just an accumulation of everything - I haven't cryed at all since my surgery.
Anyway, I had sort of regained my composure - until they wheeled me back to my room and I saw Willie - then I lost it all over again. At least I wasn't sobbing and blowing boogers

. However, I know for sure that my right eye doesn't produce any tears at all - and my left eye seems to be able to make up the difference!
They kept me at the hospital to run the second drip at 4 pm - so we finally pulled out of the hospital parking lot at 7 PM last night!! Yay!!!
This morning, the VN came over to go through the IV thing with us - you're right Linda, it is really pretty simple. All of the supplies were delivered yesterday, so we have everything we need. Willie and I (with Mom and Dad witnessing) did the IV tonight without any glitches. I've got these really cool IV things that kind of look like lemons - or hand grenades. They come wiht a line attached that I attach to the PICC and then it just drips out over about 60-90 minutes - no IV pole, or regulator or anything. The nurse had never seen one like it before, but loved it. I have a little fany pack so that I can walk around with it. I'll try to get a picture tomorrow.
Okay, so this is defintiely a little setback, but hopefully these anti-biotics will do the trick. Dr. Louie said that we won't know for sure if it worked until I go off them, which should be in about 2 weeks. Sigh.
However, in the scope of GOOD news - yesterday as I was practicing trying to move my face in the mirror at the hospital, I got a little twitch below my right eye, on my upper cheek. I was so amazed that I tried it several times before yelling out to Willie to LOOK AT THIS!! yep, I have the first tiny little bit of movement - and I can control it! Dr. Roland said that the mid part of my face (cheek area) would be the first to regain movement, so this seems to be consistent.) I was so excited! I still can't move anything else, but, damn, am I proud of my little twitch!
I slept most of the day today - but plan to be up and about more tomorrow. A friend of mine is coming up from the Princeton area (about 2 hours) to visit tomorrow. She hasn't seen me since I was in the hospital, so am anxious to see if she can see chamges.
Meanwhile, a question for the other PICC folks - my arm where they put the PICC in is still VERY sore today - sore to movement, and sore to touch. Did you also experience this? It is a bit better today, so I expect it will be even better tomorrow, but it is still a bit un-nerving.
Hope everyone has a great weekend - I'll be back tomorrow!
Debbi .. PICCing in NJ...