Happy Memorial Day, All!
Well, after sleeping most of the first day home from the hospital, I am now trying to get back to some sort of "normal." Yesterday my friend Ellen came up from Princeton for a visit, which was great. Unfortunately, I was totally exhausted after hours and had to lay down and sleep (I'm not much fun these days!).
Last night, I wanted to try to tackle the IV by myself, so I got my sterile area all set up and set to work. The hardest part is that the "nozzle) is located at the inside of my elbow on my right arm (and I am right handed), so I have to try to unscrew it using my left hand only. I find that if I get it wedged between two fingers I can then use one other finger and the thumb to unscrew it. Awkward, but it works. Anyway, I did my morning IV all by myelf (oh, aren't I a Big Girl now!).
I am also becoming adept at wrapping my right arm in platic wrap and taping up the ends in order to shower. Actually, I am sure I am quite a site - eye patched shut, arm wrapped up, big black and blue incision on my stomach.... wow, what a hottie.
This morning, I got Willie to drive with me to Lowe's (I drove, bleary eye and all) so that I could buy several flats of flowers to plant. I picked out my flowers, and off we went. Even made a hot-lap through the grocery story (talk about sensory overload - yikes!) I spent about an hour outside planting - good for the soul. It's a beautiful day, so perfect to dig in the dirt.
My eye is driving me crazy - seems that I have to put drops in at about every 10 minutes. REally a nuisance - does everyone else with facial issues have the same challenge? I'm freaked about driving more than 15 minutes, because my eye gets so scratchy.
So, for those who want to see the "lemon/hand grenade antibiotic dispenseer, here's the link to the photos: (Dont' worry, nothing gross at all!)
http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk167/debifulco/525DebwiththeAntibioticLemon1.jpghttp://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk167/debifulco/525theantibioticLemon.jpgPicc'in my arm in NJ.... Debbi