First of all, can I just say THANK YOU so much! Every time I look at my face in the mirror, all I see is the wild eye and the down-tilting mouth. Realistically, I do know that my face has improved from those first early days, but the progress is painfully slow to an impatient, instant gratification kind of gal like me. Yep, I know a bunch of you can relate to THAT!
So, hearing from all of you that I look okay is really wonderful. I often wonder, when I venture out, what people think when they see my face - Willie keeps telling me that most people who don't know me wouldn't necessarily spot that anything is wrong. Of course, he's my husband and he loves me, so he may be biased!
The down side of forcing myself to get out more, and to push outside of my comfort zones means that there are moe times when I feel extremely vulnerable and insecure in my environment. It's a strange feeling for me, and I take huge comfort from knowing that you guys all know what this is like. So, thank you SO much!
Now, a confession to make - today I didn't do anything other than a few hours of work (safely on my phone in my office). Other than taking the dog out for a couple of quick piddle breaks, I didn't venture out at all. So, tomorrow I am going to make up for it. I am having lunch with a professional colleague of mine whom I haven't seen since pre-surgery AND I am going to the bank and the grocery store. You guys have all given me much encouragement today - I shall go forth and conquer!!!
On the subject of arrogant doctors - I'm with you, Jim! I've fired more doctors than I can count - basically, if they won't take time to answer my questions in a thoughtful, non-condescending way, they're ... out! I was more tolerant when I was younger, but now, I insist on better care for myself and my family. Kind of funny - my Italian family on my husband's side was of the school of thought that you never question your doctors - when I married into the family 8 years ago, their world started to tilt on its axis. I've successfully gotten several doctors fired!! Including one who was so patronizing to my mother in law that I nearly slapped him myself! Some doctors shouldn't take on geriatric patients - period.
Okay, enough of my rant - guess this doctor thing hit a nerve. all that being said, I love my doctors now!
Okay, on to the nightly infustion - my lemon IV awaits me...