Good grief, people! I step out for awhile and Jim is tatooing hats??? Oh, wait, maybe I got that wrong. At the very least, I read something a group tatoo event next year... Oh, and did I hear ... Party at Jan's House?!
Okay, silliness aside - I am SO over this PICC line thing! Dr. Louie called last night to tell me that blood levels continue to improve and we'll wait to see what tomorrow's draw shows - maybe I can go off the IV this weekend. Please keep fingers, toes, etc crossed. I know four weeks isn't that bad in the scheme of thigns - but it is starting to feel like an eternity. I would like not to have to plan my day around IV infusions (Kay, I know you can relate!) Okay, enough whining. Sorry...
In anticipation of getting the thumbs up to get the PICC line out sometime soon, I am seeing my PC doc tonight to see if he'll give me a prescription for a mild anit-anxiety pill. I know I'm being a big weenie, but I am so wigged out by the idea of having this line taken out that I know I'll have myself worked into a state of high anxiety. Isn't that silly? Well, at least I don't feel any need to put on a brave face and suffer in silence...

So, minor grievances aside, I am feeling pretty good these days. I think I've only napped once in the last week, and the random pains in my head and neck are getting better (or maybe I'm just getting used to them

) The bruising from the belly incision is FINALLY gone, although I won't be entering any bikini contests in the foreseeable future - ha!
A little piece of the giant scab on my head worked its way off last night, so I have a little bleeding - but nothing to worry about. I keep a small dressing lightly over that area at night and sometimes in the day.
Ladies, you'll understand this next one - I haven't seen my hair stylistin TWO months!!! And, I'm 52. Need I say more??? Dr. Louie said that no chemicals should get near my incision yet. At this point, I'm wondering if I can get highlights on half of my head - would that be trendy??? Well, the very fact that I am worrying about my hair is a good sign isn't it?
Enough rambling. Let me go see what else is going on in Forum-land...
Debbi - still spitting stitches... Duck!