Debbi, I wish you a speedy recovery , it sounds like you have a great supportive husband who will help you through the healing process.
6 days and counting for me - pooter you and i are having surgery the same day.

I wanted to share a poem a friend wrote for me that some of you might find amusing.
so the other day i heard a roo-muh
that my friend kimberly has a too-muh
its not as bad as it may sound
but it's a good thing its been found
her condition is called "acoustic neuroma"
(i know that cuz i have a diploma)
she's having surgery to have it removed
if the doctors mess up they will be sued!
with the surgery there are some risks involved
but through it kim's problems will be solved
she may develop some new problems however
would we make fun of her??? nooooo not us! never!
still i feel that it might be fun
(and i dont think im the only one)
to find some humor in this situation
and share it with kim's friends and relations
so without any further adieu,
it is my pleasure to present to you
a description of what might come to be
if things don' go the way we'd like to see
since kim may not be able to hear very well
she may not hear drums, a guitar or bell
after they remove the acoustic neuroma
kim may not be jammin to "my sherona"
the doctor will remove kim's balance nerve
so when she walks she might weave and swerve
so before you accuse kim of being a drunk
remember she's missing some important nerve junk
the surgery could cause partial paralysis of the face
mouth and eye dryness, and disturbance of taste
so if it looks like she's not enjoying your casserole
you'd better think twice before you call her an a**h*le
but now lets turn to the positive side
in this are many good things to find
kim's nose isnt affected by acoustic neuroma
from a mile away, she can sniff out any aroma
and lets face it, its not like kim's in a coma
this is a tumor, but its not melanoma!
she has lots of friends and people who care too
she has my support and she has help from you
kim, i hope that your spirits are lifted
i hope that dr. larouere is gifted
im sure the surgery will be a success
and that you'll be back after a quick rest
regardless of what happens on the operating table
you'll always be awesome , cool and able
if your face won't move and you're deaf in one ear,
we'll always be there for you for the rest of your years!!
i wish all of you with upcoming surgeries the best outcomes possible,