Hi all-
Wendy, so glad you are feeling calm and serene. THe last few days before surgery, I also felt a strange calmness. Like you, I believe it came from having had my questions answered, and from feeling at peace wiht my decision. You may still get the odd racy-heart feeling between now and then, though!
Hey, how about if I wash my "Lucky AN Scarf" and will it to you? I could bring it Saturday. (REally, I'm serious.) It's the quazi-animal print that is featured in some of my early blog pics - looks good on everyone! Since Steve is slow with the hat-knitting, maybe this can be my contribution!
Hey, Wendy, do you have a scribe? Is Rob up to the job?
Well, as for me, I am holding my breath and hoping the Blinkeze arrive tomorrow...
I've had some weird movements in my chin, which I sincerely hope aren't early signs of synkenises. I've been on the bells palsy website trying to read up more on that. ugh.