Yes, isn't it amazing the things we now appreciate ... like blinking!
I was wickedly tired yesterday, which I kind of expected. The trip in and out of NYC was about 2 1/2 hours each way, so Saturday was a long day. I was still so exhilirated when I got home Saturday evening that I stayed up pretty late. And, Sunday morning I woke up feeling really tired - duh!
Still, I went up to a local winery (about 45 minutes from here) yesterday morning with my neighbors to check on the wine we're making. It was time to "rack" the wine, which means moving it out of its oak barrel and into a stainless vat, cleaning the oak barrel, and moving the wine back into the barrel. We tasted the wine, of course! It is still very young, but already shows promise. Hopefully in about 14 months, we'll be able to bottle it and enjoy...
After the winery, I can home and slept for 2 hours. Well, at least it doesn't surprise me anymore when I get so fatigued. And, it was so hot outside that napping indoors in the cool air conditioning was bliss.

Mary, if you are at the symposium next year, we'll have to put Weldon and Willie together and let them talk racing - I'm sure they'd get along famously! BTW, love the story about Weldon's proposal!
Debbi, off to another week...