Hi All-
First here's the weekly update photo. I'm not brave enough to post this one on my blog. You can see the full effects of the pirate smile and the Marty Felman eye. But, Willie still says I'm the only woman for him!
http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk167/debifulco/629FacialProgress.jpgTammy and Debbie - I think it must have been very disconcerting to wake up with facial movement and then lose it - at least I woke up with nothing, so nowhere to go but up.
Debbie, thanks for sharing your PT regimen, and the facial "test". I can pucker a little on the AN side - very little, but it's something. I am doing much of the same in terms of therapy- got a handy little device called a Z-Vibe that I use to massage my face and inside my cheeck, lips. It's the size of a ballpoint pen, so I can carry it anywhere. I also try to blink, crinkle my nose, raise my eyebrows and move my lips multiple times a day. My neurotologist said to try to isolate the muscle movements as much as possible - huh? I can't even move anything other than that one brave little muscle under my eye!!
If anyone was watching while I attempt facial exercises, they'd die laughing, - or run screaming form the room...
As for time to "recover" - they initially told me about 5 months. What I have come to understand, though, is that this is not an exacty science. The neurotologist still feels confident that I'll have a full - or nearly so - recovery, based on the facial nerve monitoring. However, he also said that if it wasn't resolved in 12 months, we'd look at other options. I am hoping for the best, and prepared for the worst.
Lori, I also have TMJ. sp wear the night guard. AT first, I couldn't wear it because my mouth wouldn's stay closed on the AN side, but am now able to wear it. Like you, I'm a clencher. And you are right, it's quite a site. However, it does help the TMJ immensely. This pain is higher up, right where the jaw bone connects to the skull, I guess, near the top part of my ear on the face side. I can actually feel the joint if I press in that area and have started massaging that joint to try to relieve the pain.
This comparison of facial symptoms, treatments, and progress is very helpful - thanks for jumping in and hope you'll stick around and add more...