Hi All-
Just returned from seeing Dr. Roland and am feeling pretty good!
I talked to him about the neck/head pain that I still have and he is certain it will pass in time. Also discussed the almost daily changes in my disequalibrium and he said this is normal for some people for up to a year. As long as I continue to have more good days than bad, I'm moving in the right direction.
We mostly talked about my facial nerve. He was able to see a lot of improvement in my whole central cheek area (the shortest strectch of facial nerve and typcially the first to regain animation) and was very encouraged by that. He confimred that the eye and lower lip/chin will take longer. He also said that a 90% return of animation would be a very good outcome, especially considering how traumatized the nerve was.
On the Brackman, he feels I am less than 4, but more than 3. I should end up somewhere between 2 and 1, closer to 1 - and of coruse, there are NO guarantees. Still, I feel very encouraged by this. I'd already kind of figured that a 100% recovery was unlikely, but I can live with 90%.
I also got a copy of my surgical report (thanks to Eve for reminding me about this on Saturday). It was fascinating reading and I learned some new things. My AN was actually 2.4, not 2.0. One comment of particular interest (to me) - "The tumor was quite stuck to the facial nerve at the portion where the tumor exited the internal auditory canal and pushed the facial nerve forward over the rim of the porous acousticus." I also apparently had a fair amount of brainstem indentation. It was really interesting to read the report. Any of you info junkies out there who don't already have copies of the Operative Report will definitely want to get it.
BTW , I also learned that both the cochlear and acoustic nerves were cut. Not that it matters, but it was interesting to have the answer on the cochlear nerve.
Willie and I walked up to 3rd Avenue after the visit, and had a very enjoyable lunch at one of favorite old haunts. Italian, of course.
Life is good ...
Debbi, smiling while I totter about...