Hi Everyone,
I am Nicole's Mom and she asked that I give you an update on her surgery and progress. As most of you know, Nicole is a very recent visitor to this site but she found it to be very helpful and supportive in her days before surgery.
Nicole's first symptoms dated back to December of 2006 but she was reluctant to have a contrast MRI because she was nursing her baby. In hindsight, other symptoms began slowly emerging but we did not make the connection. Long story short, she was diagnosed with a 2.5cm acoustic neuroma in late April.
Her ENT referred who to Dr. Green (the director of the Jacksonville, Fl. Healring and Balance Insititute.) He and the neurosurgeion that he referred us to (Dr. Howard Chandler jr. at Baptist Medical Center), both have impressive resumes. Dr. Green having been at the Mayo in Rochester and the Mayo in Jacksonville prior to leaving to for The Hearing and Balance Institute.
Dr. Chandler only works with Dr, Geen on this procedure. He is also part of the Gamma Knife Team at Baptist. Both Dr's. thought Nicole's best option was surgery. Due to their schedule's, surgery could occur on May 9th or not until late June. Of course, they told her it the decision on timing was hers to make.
We felt comfortable with them both and decided to proceed with the earlier date. I am so happy to tell you that the surgery went well . She was in from 7:30 a.m. until going to recovery around 6:00 p.m. on Friday. Her facial muscles were preserved even though those nerves were definitley attached to the tumor. They believe they were able to remove all of the tumor but that will be confirmed by another MRI being done today. She is still in ICU and as to be expected has pain and some nausea.
today being Mother's Day, I can only say that I am so grateful to everyone for all of the support and prayers that were offered for Nicole from this group as well as her huge network of friends and co-workers.
She is well and looks just amazing for having undergone such an intense and lengthy procedure.
Again, Thanks to all
Beverly (Nicole's very grateful Mom)