Yea! Phyl will be there giving free beer and free trips on the moderator jet!?!? Oh, happy day! Or, was that only for me and Jenni? I forget.. Yknow how the mind goes.
I am going slow.. I promise. We've lost about 25% of our work force in the last month or so, so I should get back soon.. I'm taking a few days for Jenni and me, but back at it soon enough. My current plan has me back at work part time (again) later this week. I'll adjust as I need to. Work isn't everything, but it's my home away from home. In fact, I just got off the phone with my boss and my co-worker cuz it looks like we need to lose one of my guys and we had to decide which one. That's never an easy decision. I'm anxious to move on to the next stage of my reocovery though, which involves getting back to work and driving again.
Thanks all!! Really! I appreciate it!