Thanks to all of you who have responded to my question. I see I am not the only one who wondered about whether ANs are potentially a lifelong problem. With all the information I have gotten through this forum, the Cyberknife Forum and personal research on the internet, I think a final decision for treatment is very close. I promised my brother I would see his radiation oncologist (he just finished treatment for lung cancer a week or two ago and his doctor said I should check out Cyberkniife. I have an appointment with him for a consultation on 5/16) The neurotologist I saw recommended surgery but said if I wanted a stereotactic procedure, Gamma Knife is the only stereotactic procedure he'd recommend. I went to a GK facility and to tell the truth, I didn't like the way it sounded when he told me about it, when I read about it and going there didn't change my mind. Plus, in my case the doctor there said I had about a 50% (he didn't actually say or less, but I got that feeling) chance of keeping what's left of my hearing, so I'm not sure that 50% was an entirely truthful assessment. I know many of you have had CK but I'm not so sure. It hasn't been around that long and I don't know if I want to try it. In any case, I would not have any radiation treatment more than once, for many reasons. Now discovering that this could be a lifelong problem, although I am not keen on surgery, it doesn't really scare me any more than radiation does. It suddenly sounds like it might be the best option for me. My niece also told me a close friend of hers works for a world reknowned neurosurgeon, Chandranath Sen, who is the Director of Neurosurgery at St. Lukes Roosevelt Hospital in NYC (does anyone know him? I Googled him and checked him out on the St. Lukes Roosevelt website. He sounds great on paper. She can't say enough good things about him professionally or personally. He seems to be as good a person as he is a doctor. I also have an appointment with him for a consultation in a little over a week. After that, I think my plan is to look at all the information I have, make a decision and go for it. Someone I respect very much gave me that advice and I think I will follow it.