There was a local 6k Cancer walk yesterday that the bloke and I and the team of 15 did to help raise money for cancer work being done locally. 2 courses.... one was 3k, one was 6k. I did the 3k with the bloke by my side for assistance..... was a great morning (weather wise) and we raised some awesome money. 2nd yr I've done this walk... it felt great. Although I follow in the realm for the need for this walk (as many here know), it felt great to be able to do something for those that are in situations tougher than me. All in all, a great feeling, a great day and I'm ready for next yr's walk. I also want to that those here that sponsored us for the walk and know that we walked with each and every one of you in mind.
I encourage all here to do what they can to participate in walks/runs/rides to the best of your abilities. My abilities are no longer numerous, but what it does for the soul is immeasurable. I know there are brain tumor walks that go on around the county (I think it was last year or year before that many of us supported
shoegirl in her efforts in doing the AZ brain tumor walk sponsored by the NBTS)......and I enourage all here to reach out to others that may be in tougher shape than we.
Congrats to all those that give of the hearts, the wallet, the physical in doing such events.... It's a feeling worth experiencing if you can.