Hello All
I appreciate the concern and well wishes from all of you. My roomate/friends were planning to post an update on the site but never made it that far. The surgery was a success and I was released from the hospital this morning at 10 a.m. I'm doing well and feel extremely fortunate that I had Dr. LaRouere and Dr. Pieper and staff (there were so many coming in and out from the team that I can't remember the names but plan to find out when I get my stitches out and thank them each personally if I'm able to). Because of them, my hearing was preserved.
My balance and vision aren't the best and I haven't eaten much of anything yet, but overall, I am feeling better than I thought I would. It is amazing to me that someone can have brain surgery and be home in 3 or 4 days! In the hospital and siince I've been home, it seems that I am on a 2/2 plan - 2 hours of sleeping and then 2 hours of being awake.
Again, thank you all for the advice, support, and kind words and thanks to whoever created this discussion forum! Pooter , I hope your surgery went well and best wishes to all who are having upcoming surgeries.
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.