Hi, Kimberly:
Sorry you've had a little set-back but I suspect that - as you guessed - you probably pushed yourself just a little too hard and are experiencing the ramifications of the over-exertion today. You'll bounce back with some rest. Coincidentally, As the second anniversary of my AN surgery draws near, my wife and I have been recalling - with amusement - my impatience to resume all of my normal activities just as fast as I could, once I was home from the hospital. I was driving within two weeks of my release, with my surgeon's permission, of course. I probably overdid it at times and felt it the next day, but I probably made light of my fatigue and rested, then went right back and did the same thing. I recall walking a lot and being pleased to eat out and so on, just like a 'regular person'.
Obviously, you're doing great Kimberly, and I think you'll continue to do well, even if you have a few little bumps in the road to a complete recovery. Keep it up!