Thank you Mark, that was what I was looking for. I'm at a tough spot right now. The Dr. I'm seeing in Houston does, both, surgery and radiosurgery. They haven't tried to push me one way or the other. My AN is actually touching/pressing on the brain stem right now, so I asked if there could be problems with radiation if it swells. There could be. I've weighed a ton of information, heard from Stanford, Fukishima at Duke, as well as the Dr's I'm seeing in Houston. Bottom line is I'm just not sure what to do. I don't want to have surgery if I don't have to, on the other hand, I don't want to complicate surgery later by having radiosurgery if it doesn't work. I guess my initial thought was, why not try the radiation? If it doesn't work I can always have the surgery. But then they say it makes surgery harder later. I'm going to try and make a decision by Wed of this coming week.