Hey Mindy,
Good to hear from you! Sorry you're having the swelling problems though.
I'm a sweller too. My AN turned dark in the center, but has almost doubled in volume since CK. My biggest problem has been headaches and fluctuating hearing. Decadron has helped with that, especially the headaches. They started me on a high dose for a couple of weeks, but now I just use 1-2 mg occasionally for a few days when I'm having problems.
I found a chart that shows the change in size of AN's in the years following GK radiosurgery (GKRS) in a paper that was mentioned a couple of weeks ago. I figure CK should be similar. I copied part of the chart below. It basically just shows that you can get good control over time whether your tumor swells up initially or not. (Swellers on the left, non-swellers on the right) It was reassuring to me to see that the tumors that swelled up fast usually shrink fast too. "Ratio" is just tumor size divided by its original size, so mine would be about a 2 right now.
Here's some other excerpts:
"Most tumors that showed temporary enlargement
reached their peak within 1 year and regressed
within 2 years. Maximum temporary enlargement
was double the initial tumor volume in some cases."
"Serial MR studies of unilateral vestibular
schwannomas treated with gamma knife radiosurgery
showed that temporary enlargement of tumor
occurred in 41% of cases. Temporary enlargement
occurred mostly within the first 2 years after radiosurgery.
Subsequent regression of tumor volume
occurred during and after the second year following
radiosurgery. Because such enlargement within 2
years after gamma knife radiosurgery is usually
followed by regression, close follow-up with neuroimaging
is desirable in these cases."
Full text:
http://www.ajnr.org/cgi/reprint/21/8/1540.pdfI don't know if it makes you feel any better, but I think everything your experiencing is in the "normal" range. Believe me, I understand the swelling is no fun, but hopefully you're getting some relief from the Decadron. My experience has been that the symptoms are probably going to hang around awhile so I hope you can find a good way to manage it.
Best of luck,