Hi, I might not belong here. I'm not trying to pretent I have AN, but I don't know WHAT is wrong, and I'm wondering if any of my symptoms might sound familiar to any of you. I've posted on a Meniere's board too, and they thing I probably have MAV.
Just a little history: I visited my GP last week, who sent me to an ENT (who had a cancellation for the very next day). My ears were tested, and there is a small amount of hearing loss on the left side. There is also a horrid, shrieky, high-pitched, loud, driving-me-insane buzz in the entire left side of my head. It goes & goes & goes, non stop, 24/7. I have minor headaches that come & go through out the day, mostly on the left side. The weirdest thing is that my left eye twitches on & off all the freaking time. It's been doing that for a week now. I realize that fatigue causes that, and I'm definately VERY tired all the time, but I'm getting sleep (with some help from my little friend Ambien).
I've had tinnitus off & on for years & years. I thought it was normal, that everyone got it. I also have had way out of the blue dizzy spells that last for only a sencond or two. I assumed that was normal too, and I've always had low/normal BP. Then 3 wks ago I got a migraine. Before the head pain even started, I was hit with such extreme dizzyness that I could hardly walk or move my head. I had trouble keeping from throwing up. I was down & layed out for 3 days. Sometimes when I got up, the room would spin & the walls & floors would tilt in crazy directions. The migraine went away, but the persistant tinnitus stayed, as well as the hyperacusis, and a slight bit of dizziness (but that's minor).
I had my MRI yesterday. How long does it usually take for results? The ENT office says "a couple of days," but is that until THEY get it back from the imaging center, or when I get clued in on the results?
I feel like I'm pretty much babbling. I'm tired & I'm going to hit the sack now. I appreciate any responses.