Hi Claire,
From your post I'm gathering that you do not have any metallic taste now, but you are afraid of that happening after you have treatment? Am I reading this correctly? I have a medium sized AN and it is probably pressing the facial nerve a bit or a lot, I don't know, and so I started getting a "salty" taste in my mouth before I was diagnosed. Then, when the area in front of my ear started to go numb, I returned to the doctor and that's when I was finally sent to a neurologist, but by the time I could finally get in a see her, the facial numbness had spread across most of the left side of my face. This affects the inside of my mouth also and my tongue feels like it has been scalded on the left side. I still have a bit of a "salty" taste and right after my GK I had some metallic taste in my mouth, but it didn't last very long. On occassion, that will return but it, thankfully, isn't something that interferes with my life, or my dinner, either. When you start messing around with nerves, or nerves get upset...strange things can happen. Good luck with your treatment and recovery.
Sue in Vancouver, USA