I too suffer from the same symptoms. I've been on several different med's because on top of that I get wicked headaches on the same side as my neuroma. I'm on neurontin. I must say it has helped me a lot. Let your Dr know what's going on. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. It took me four Drs to finally get someone who understood what I was going thru.
Hang in there my friend, I know what you are saying about being stressed. I too know about the sleeping issue. I have a neuroma on my scar. I received a nerve block May 1st. It has helped. I can now sleep on my left side but I do have roll when it starts to bother me. Get your Dr to check out your scar carefully. I will have to have the neuroma removed. He will open me up along the scar, remove the neuroma and scrape the bone, and he will remove all the old scar tissue. I hope it will be the answer. The nerve block was three injections along the scar, the third one was the worst. Today I'm coping much better, mind you I cannot touch the neuroma.
Good luck Sam,
Anne Marie