Hi all-
Went into Manhattan today to see what my doctor had to say about my AN. I had a new ENG and audiogram today. The ENG really didn't show anything new, but the audiogram was very upsettiing. It showed a 30 decible hearing loss. I also told the doctor I am much more off balance when I walk and he agreed that from what he remembered, I am walking much more like a drunken sailor. He also told me he is certain my AN has grown, although he feels another MRI is not necessary because the amount of growth that's taken place would probably not be measureable on the MRI. . The CT scan I'm having tomorrow is not for this. It is part of the pre-op stuff so they can see the bony structure of my head where the surgery will take place. He also said unless the prednisone brings back my hearing,it is not recoverable , so I should probably have a translab instead of the middle fossa he had been planning, but that discussion is two weeks down the road when I am finished with the prednisone taper. Well, at least there is still the chance the prednisone might dor its job. If not, I'll join the ranks of those of you with SSD. Not something I look forward to, but not the end of the world. I just keep reminding myself to be thankful. No matter how bad it seems right now, the bright side is that it's not cancer; I have a great doctor I know will do everything he can to help me and I have my family and all of you wonderful people to complain to. Plus, I'm sure my daughters will continue to make me laugh by constantly making fun of me (only in a good and innocent way). Laughter is good for the body, mind and soul.