Melissa and Nicole,
No facial nerve damage for either of you!
This is
very good news. I was expecting with DR. Kartush that facial never preservation
would happen… glad to hear I was right there.
I am doing the facial retraining therapy now- but for some reason this whole synkinesis business has me down - this week… When I get in the�
shoulda …woulda …coulda�
mode – this happens. I did once interview Dr. Kartush and now I do sit and question,
“Would my face outcome been different if I had flown east - to see him?� (Michigan is one heck of a long way from Oregon
I had already had one major surgery as we barked up the wrong tree. The 3 different surgeries he advocated, on top of what I had been through (unnecessarily) - was overwhelming. I did not feel young and strong enough to go through what he advocated. Having me down with surgical recovery even before the AN surgery had proved hard enough for my family. Maybe because I am a tired Mom with busy school kids who is much anticipating summer -I am simply burnt out after starting the school year off with this incredibly wild AN journey ride…. Such a roller coaster it can be.
Nevertheless Melissa and Nicole- I am VERY happy that you both have had such good outcomes- particularly with your facial nerve preservation. Being able to smile at a child fully is part of communication. However this week I had a little 3rd grade tell me,
“Oh - I can still tell that you are smiling!�
It is the kids that get us through this. I am so glad that you young Moms have had such a good outcome. Cherish this time with your little ones- they will be teenagers before you know it. My teenager and her little sister started of the school year with
out both their parents. They stayed with a family where the Mom’s aunt had her surgery with Dr. Kartush – a decade ago. They were still pretty new to their school as they had only been there one year… this family that took them in were a Godsend to me… as was our school.
The 8th grade graduation turns out to be big ta-do here – and my teenager was chosen as
the one to do the valedictorian speech. My smile may not be perfect or symmetrical but nevertheless I’ll smile at her with pride. Maybe as I cry through her speech the palsy side eye might finally produce a tear. Who knows…?
This whole AN journey has had me come to so appreciate my family.
Melissa and Nicole- keep those kids close to you and cherish them. They will see you smile in your eyes… It does my heart good to see you now posting at the other end- and smiling. The incision does hurt, the first month, but this dissipates. The balance eventually works out- but you have to work at it.
Keep moving forward
fellow Moms (and Dads)... Keep moving forward.
Daisy Head Mazy