Hi Cynthia-
Sorry to chime in so late, but I had a little post surgical infection and was back in the hospital fora few days last week (okay now).
I did a bunch of yoga and pilates and balance exercises before surgery - the surgeons said that it really wouldn't probably make a difference, but I believe it did. I had almost NO balance or dizziness problems post surgery and was able to drive in about 10 days.
As for diet, I cut out all meat and other hard-to-digest foods (like cheese) about 5 days before surgery - one of the main reasons I did this was so that I wouldn't have the problems with constipation that so many have (you can't strain after brain surgery, so you really don't want to get all backed up!) I ate tons of veggies, fruit and fish before surgery - and after.
As others have said, you'll want to cut out vitamins and any other herbal supplements as well as aspirin, motrin and ibuprofin as they all can serve to thin the blood. My doctors specifically said no fish oil or vitimin e supplements.. Some docs also say no red wine, but mine said a glas with dinner was okay.

I kept a blog (and still do) leading up to and following my surgery. If you want to get more info on my specific surgery, you can check out my blog (below) - it also has several pictures of the incision post surgery in case you want that much info! (I am one of those people who needed LOTS of info before surgery - knowlege is power!)
Also, if you want to chat and have skype, I'd be happy to talk with you. My skype ID is debifulco.
Best wishes,