Author Topic: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming  (Read 6026 times)


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2008, 02:46:51 pm »
I didn't have any little ones at home eigther so I don't know how to answer. I did have alot of help the first few days that I was home, that did help alot. I also slept alot. For the most part I was able to do almost anything but slow and easy. The first week because of the sisitivity to light  I wasn't able to drive but I got a patch for the dry eye and a large pair of sunglasses and I was ok. It is different to drive or do a lot with one eye, you do get use to it. Just keep practicing walking for balance.

I was also one that didn't have any headaches. even before that just once in a while. And it wasn't a headache it was more like a pain in the area when I would lay on the bad side.


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2008, 04:51:54 pm »
Hi Cynthia,

I also wanted to welcome you to the forum and I am glad that you found us.  I didn't read all the previous posts word for word, so maybe somebody else mentioned the fact that we have some good blokes on here from Australia, and I hope they chime in soon to welcome you also.  For some reason, I'm one of the lucky ones who didn't get this until later in life and didn't get diagnosed until right after my 60th birthday....if that makes you feel any better! HA ;)  No age is a good age to get this crazy thing.

Hang in there, Cynthia!  I'm so sorry you will have to experience all of this, but but most doctors agree if you have to get some kind of skull based tumor, this is the preferable one.  I just hope you have some sort of support team ready to help you after the surgery, especially with your little ones.  Because Mommy will be needing her rest and will be napping a lot.

Take care and I wish you all the best,

Sue in Vancouver WA  USA

Sue in Vancouver, USA
 2 cm Left side
Diagnosed 3/13/06 GK 4-18-06
Gamma Knife Center of Oregon
My Blog, where you can read my story.

The only good tumor be a dead tumor. Which it's becoming. Necrosis!
Poet Lorry-ate of Goode


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2008, 08:40:59 am »
Hey there Cynthia, a lot of needless worrying goes with this thing,but as others have said,you are going to make it through this,dont worry about the hearing,it's really not that bad.I dont see you losing hearing on both sides,not going to happen.The best thing you can do is try to relax and go in with a pos attitude.
I will not bore you with my story but it was pretty serious and I am getting better everyday ,I refuse any other option ! Use your children as your strength and woop this things a_ _ ! I may be in Texas but I am right there with you, as we all are.
kicked my little 8cm buddy to the curb-c ya !


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2008, 02:42:02 pm »
well NZ  i had my surgery 12/08 . my tumor was 5 cm by2.5 cm and behind my rt wear. That ear was already deaf but i thought it was just tinnitis.

my balance was really getting off especially at nite. i ran into walls, furniture as my eyes at nite couldnt compensate like in the day.

some quick things :

1. make sure you have help for 2 weeks or so after surgery, you are going to be whipped. in no shape to be chasing kids around and such.

2. i have some residual facial issues. BUT others say they are improving. my wife helps a lot with that.

3. My balance is getting better .

4. this group has helped, im new here too. when i could wink for the first time a week or so ago, these guys KNEW what that meant. :)

5. relaxing took a lot of effort for me. especially b4 the surgery what helped me was this from a friend.

Is it life threatening surgery or major surgery? Major yes life threatening no.

you seem to be way ahead of thel earning curve. welcome to our AN group of friends here. ;D
10 mm x 2.4mm surgery date 12/03/07

glad to be here


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2008, 08:26:28 am »
Hi Cynthia-

Sorry to chime in so late, but I had a little post surgical infection and was back in the hospital fora few days last week (okay now). 

I did a bunch of yoga and pilates and balance exercises before surgery - the surgeons said that it really wouldn't probably make a difference, but I believe it did.  I had almost NO balance or dizziness problems post surgery and was able to drive in about 10 days.

As for diet, I cut out all meat and other hard-to-digest foods (like cheese) about 5 days before surgery - one of the main reasons I did this was so that I wouldn't have the problems with constipation that so many have (you can't strain after brain surgery, so you really don't want to get all backed up!)  I ate tons of veggies, fruit and fish before surgery - and after. 

As others have said, you'll want to cut out vitamins and any other herbal supplements as well as aspirin, motrin and ibuprofin as they all can serve to thin the blood.  My doctors specifically said no fish oil or vitimin e supplements..  Some docs also say no red wine, but mine said a glas with dinner was okay.   :)

I kept a blog (and still do) leading up to and following my surgery.  If you want to get more info on my specific surgery, you can check out my blog (below) - it also has several pictures of the incision post surgery in case you want that much info!  (I am one of those people who needed LOTS of info before surgery - knowlege is power!) 

Also, if you want to chat and have skype, I'd be happy to talk with you.  My skype ID is debifulco.

Best wishes,
Debbi - diagnosed March 4, 2008 
2.4 cm Right Side AN
Translab April 30, 2008 at NYU with Drs. Golfinos and Roland
SSD Right ear, Mild synkinesis and facial nerve damage
BAHA "installed" Feb 2011 by Dr. Cosetti @ NYU