Author Topic: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming  (Read 5978 times)


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Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« on: May 23, 2008, 04:27:30 pm »
Kia Ora from Auckland, New Zealand.  I am an American living here 5 years with my lovely husband and 4.5 and 2.5 yr old children.  Diagnosed 4 days ago with nearly 3 cm AN.  After 5 months of "odd" things (sore and swollen tongue, numb face, hearing loss, small imbalance, dry eyes) that I attributed to everything from fillings, allergies, bad contacts, cold that would not go, I got to audiologist, the neurologist, directly to the MRI, and directly onto operating schedule for JUNE 19.  Knowing (now) that this is a slow growing bugger, and probably been with me for 15 yrs or so, I am petrified that in such a small amount of time, ironically just as I turned 40, it's all presenting and I am shaken.  I am blessed, blessed, blessed that this is something operable and benign. I am embracing that.  But I have this terrible vision that inbetween now and my surgery (so big, has to come out and will lose hearing on left side)  that I will also lose right hearing and perhaps progress enough to lose face movement as well.   Again, blessed it is benign, but I refuse to just pass on any other symptoms and let this tumour take any more from me than it already has, dammit.

Please know that it all works a bit differently here.   There really is not that much or an option to "shop around" and interview doctors.  However, my doc friends tell me that people come from all over the world to train with these neurosurgeons.  Comfortable with their team approach for the surgery, but where NZ is LACKING is patient information.  Not even a brochure or list of websites NOTHING given. Just "we'll call you with a date, oh and don't start taking aspirin or other blood thinners."  CRICKEY!  How awful is that?!

There is Acoustic Neuroma NZ, and contacted them day after diagnosis.  No reply yet.  This site, and all the people who contribute to it are AMAZING.  Some people want as little info as possible to deal and just trust professionals, I need the information I need, not an overload.  I need questions answered so I can be the best patient, best part of this team, and get the best possible outcome.  That is the Strong Me talking.  The other half of Me is hysterical and weepy. 

Doctors not nervous about anything happening, told me that I might lose more/most of left hearing  between now and then (again, if it is slow moving, how in one month could I lose all my hearing and not be concerned).  I am scheduling another audiologist test with concern for right ear.  Went to my GP (general practitioner) yesterday to sort out other issues, but could not seem to get my concerns across, OR I was too emotional.  Could be.

WHILE WAITING FOR SURGERY DATE ANYONE ELSE'S SYMPTOMS PROGRESS IN WORRISOME WAY?  WHAT DID YOUR DOC TORS SAY?  WHAT DID YOU DO?   Please, I have this image that it will be day before surgery, and they say "sorry, you will lose all your hearing" and I am consumed with such hate and grief that nothing can go on....Told you, I need help calming.

Other questions:
Worried my period is scheduled day before surgery.   Besides obvious messiness and discomfort, any other worries for surgery?
Any suggestions for pre-surgery diet (foods to avoid or bulk up on) to boost immune etc.
Do walk for exercise regularly, will doing yoga or thai-chi now help toward recuperation, or just all be lost?

In another post I'll ask all questions about telling children, managing them after and having realistic expectations.

Thanks so much for listening and helping.   
3.3cmX3.2cmX3.2cm solid and cystic AN left. Diagnosed 20 May 2008.
TranslabSurgery 19 June, 2008.  Auckland, NZ.  Will lose all left hearing, Surgeons Christopher Furneaux and Michele Neefe

Psalm 121


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2008, 05:14:52 pm »
ironically just as I turned 40, it's all presenting and I am shaken.

WHILE WAITING FOR SURGERY DATE ANYONE ELSE'S SYMPTOMS PROGRESS IN WORRISOME WAY?  WHAT DID YOUR DOC TORS SAY?  WHAT DID YOU DO?   Please, I have this image that it will be day before surgery, and they say "sorry, you will lose all your hearing" and I am consumed with such hate and grief that nothing can go on....Told you, I need help calming.

Yep .. 40 seems to be the median age for this .. I had my op at 40 too ... (I'm 43 now... ekkk!)

believe it or not .. losing hearing in ONE ear is not so bad ... I function well ... most people dont even know ! its not worth worrying about !
so relax ... dont worry about your diet before surgery (or course a GOOD diet would be good) .. most people lose a few pounds after surgery  ;)
worrying about things in these first few weeks are the worse ... >:(   it does get better...

4 cm AN/w BAHA Surgery @House Ear Clinic 08/09/05
Dr. Brackmann, Dr. Hitselberger, Dr. Stefan and Dr. Joni Doherty
1.7 Gram Gold Eye weight surgery on 6/8/07 Milford,CT Hospital

Mama R

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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2008, 06:05:13 pm »
Darn..Just typed a bunch of stuff & lost it!

Anyway as you can see from my pic I had surgery also. 9 weeks ago. I had already lost 1/2 my hearing so to loose it all was not a big deal. I chose the the Translab approach which includes cutting the hearing nerve,thus the reason you loose it. There is another approach called the retrosigmoid, in which they move the cerebellum to get to the tumor. I did not choose this as one of the side affects was headaches which I figured it would be much easeir to live with the hearing loss. Another surgical approach,middle fossia was an option for me but for some reason I ruled it out.I had options, including radiation.Not everyone does. Age (turned 50 right after I found out) size and location are some of the factors considered.  From your letter it  sounds as if you  have good docs and they have chosen for you? I am not sure I understand why you think you would loose hearing in the other ear...unless you have the rare NF? gene which can cause bilateral tumors..but I did not get the impression you had another tumor. Maybe I just misunderstood all that.

From an emotional perspective I felt all the same as I hear you feeling, only I went through a lot of that before actually scheduling the surgery.It sounds as if your choices were limited from how fast all this happened. I just think you have to go through all of that to get to a place of serentity..So let it role, AN Sister!!  Everyone from this website will tell you  that you have come to the right place and it is soooo true!! There is nothing more supportive than reading and conversing with the people on this forum (except God-which is just a personal pesrpective that I'm not sure is appropriate to bring up). I read alot of peoples experiences before I would ever even commented...just soaking it all in. The ANA website has a wealth of knowlege which helped me also.I would sit up for hours just reading and reading and taking it all in.. It was all well worth it as I got through it.

I was concerned about my period too as I was due 5 days after..lucky me I was 3 days early!! But by that time I was up and able to handle that.BUT..If I was scheduled to have it the same day I would have asked my doctor about it..I did start protein drinks as I am on the thin side. I also got pretty consisent with my exercising (aerobic) to help give me more strength.I stayed away from acidiy & hard to digest foods (red sauce,steak) the few days before as nausea after surgery was a concern. All that was prior to the surgery. Now, I still take a protein drink (doc recommended) - walk but nothing too intense yet. I really believe that these things helped my recovery...especially the exercise.

Hope this helps...Be sure to mark the AN Calendar with your surgery date, keep in touch & before you know it you will be on the other side of this fiasco! 
« Last Edit: May 23, 2008, 06:48:22 pm by Mama R (aka:Ohio Also) »
Translab U of Cinnci - 03/21/08
Dr Theodosopolous & Dr Pensak :)
1 cm


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2008, 07:04:38 pm »
Hello cynthianz:  Take a deep breath & exhale slowly....   The reality is, the docs won't really know what they're dealing with until they open you up.  As Joef said, single sided deafness is very doable, don't worry about that,  you will be able to handle it. 
As far as diet, avoid garlic, Omega 3, Flax seed, aspirin, motrin meds(take only Tylenol for pain) - these increase bleeding time, which you don't want - I also stopped taking my multivitamin 2 weeks before surgery.

 This (benign) tumor needs to be removed, no doubt about it.  Try to keep a peaceful heart through this journey.  You are not alone, many of us have been through it & you will beat it, regardless of complications you may/may not develop post op. You are bigger than this tumor.  We will be there for you to guide you through this trying time.

Most of us, if not all, had balance issues immediately post op which will improve with time.   You will be very very tired for at least 1 month post op.  If someone can help with cleaning, cooking, helping with your children,  etc, that will be needed for at least the 1st 2 weeks post op.  The worst post op complication is facial paralysis - some people do have facial weakness immediately or about 1-2 weeks post op,  but it does get better about 6 months post op.  Then there are those, like me (very few) end up with total facial paralysis on the AN side- then you get a nerve graft or other surgeries - but we're getting ahead of ourselves.  Don't dwell on this - just keep positive thoughts my friend.  Facial paralysis happens in about 5% of patients.
Keep a peaceful heart,  always good thoughts,  Nancy
« Last Edit: May 23, 2008, 07:24:56 pm by nancyann »
2.2cm length x 1.7cm width x 1.3cm  depth
retrosigmoid 6/19/06
Gold weight 7/19/06, removed 3/07
lateral tarsel strip X3
T3 procedure 11/20/07
1.6 Gm platinum weight 7/10/08
lateral canthal sling 11/14/08
Jones tube insert right inner eye 2/27/09
2.4 Gm. Platinum chain 2017
right facial paralysis


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2008, 07:06:43 pm »
Hi!  I'm Nicole and just had my surgery (retrosigmoid) onn 5/9/08.  I am doing remarkably well, if that gives you any peace.  I was terrified prior to surgery--it all happened REALLY fast with me.  Long story short--i lost hearing in Dec of 06 and put off an MRI due to the fact that I was nursing my son.  I didn't really take it seriously b/c my mom has hearing loss and I just thought I was headed down that road a little earlier ::)  Anyway, about 2.5 months ago, I began to get dizzy spells and facial numbness and an overall "dumb" feeling.  I fell one day while home alone with my 21 month old.  That's the day I called and asked to have the MRI asap.  I had the MRI on Wednesday, found out about the AN on Friday and was going to Pre-ops on the next Mon and Wed. for surgery the following Friday.  My period came 3 days before also--no biggie at all (except for the "why now?" part of it)  I had no time to change anything diet or excercise related.  It was a total whirwind, but I ended I ended up with phenominal surgeons and a fabulous result. I'm kind of glad everything happened so quickly, in a way.   I did lose my hearing on the Left (AN) side.  I have no facial palsy and my balance/vestibular issues have resolved so quickly.  I had about 40% of my hearing intact before surgery.  In a normal quiet room, I don't notice much difference.  It's in crowded or echo-y type places that it will be difficult (as it was before).
I wish you the best of luck--ask all the questions you need.  We'll try our best to answer them if it gives you peace of mind :) :)
Had surgery (retrosigmoid) May 9th, 2008 to remove a 3.5cm AN from left side.
Home one week later, no facial nerve damage. 
SSD -Left ear.
Thankful daily for fantastic surgeons and wonderful family and friends.
34 years old.  Married mommy to Jordan, 23 months.


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2008, 08:58:49 pm »
As many have alreadys stated here, you WILL get thru this and it will not ruin your life - just alter it a bit for a while.  It is OK to be confused, nervous, scared, etc. -- We are here for you and will be with you every step of the way.  We all know how you feel...we've been in your shoes!  Ask any questions...we'll answer to the best of our ability.  I actually started in the hospital (& I couldn't take care of myself very well), but they took care of all that for me so I didn't have to worry.  I did tell EVERYONE that came to see me or called me (including my Sunday morning Bible class) that I had started my "Menstrual Cycle" -- I NEVER had even ever called it that in my life, but that is what I told EVERYONE...LOL!!!   ;D  Never know what you will say or do!!

Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
Gold Weight x 5
Facial Paralysis-R(no movement or feelings in face,mouth,eye)
Great life!


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2008, 09:26:01 am »
Hi Cynthia.

I'm glad you found a place to get the information you need.  This is a great forum and I'm sure you can get most, if not all, of your questions answered - the ones the doctors can't answer since they've never had this surgery done to themselves.

I think yoga and tai chi before surgery would be great.  Not only is it great at working on your balance, but can also help you stay in shape and maybe help you stay relaxed - a little anyway!  I think the better shape you can be in before surgery is going to help with your recovery in the long run.  I started drinking protein drinks before the surgery too, because your body needs extra protein when healing.  The supermarkets here have a ton of them now - in every flavor imaginable and they don't taste like you're drinking muddy water, like I remember them tasting a long time ago!  Hopefully they have something like that near you too.  Other than that, I have to agree with the others - just a well balanced diet.

As far as your period goes, if you're anything like me, the steroids will totally mess with that anyway.  I wasn't due to get mine until well after my surgery, but got it two days after.  The nurses are all used to dealing with these things, so don't worry about it, and they know that the steroids after surgery can change your cycle.   You just need to let them know, and they should be willing to help you out and maintain some sense of modesty (as much as possible in a hospital!!).

You sound like you have a great attitude and that will help.  I have a feeling your kids will be a great source of strength and motivation for you.  I know mine were.  Mine were 4.5 and 10 months when i had my surgery and they did okay.

Good luck to you.

And K - I'm sure your Bible class was very thrilled to hear your "news"!  ha ha

Right 3cm AN diagnosed 1/2007.  Translab resection 2/20/07 by Dr. David Kaylie and Dr. Karl Hampf at Baptist Hospital in Nashville.  R side deafness, facial nerve paralysis.  Tarsorraphy and tear duct cauterization 5/2007.  BAHA implant 11/8/07. 7-12 nerve jump 9/26/08.


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2008, 01:56:22 pm »
Cynthia -

I don't really have anything to say that the others haven't already said to you.

I just wanted to say hi and wish you luck.

I think what K said "As many have alreadys stated here, you WILL get thru this and it will not ruin your life - just alter it a bit for a while" kind of sums everything up.

Good luck on your AN journey.  We are here for you.

Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

I don't actually "make" trouble..just kind of attract it, fine tune it, and apply it in new and exciting ways


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2008, 02:41:38 pm »
Glad you found this forum.  You can literally find the answers to all of your questions right here.  I know once my decision was made about having the surgery, my nerves calmed down. 

I think it was Ann Landers who said:  "This too shall pass."  Just keep telling yourself that and know that you have the support of every one in this support group.  We have all been where you are now and completely understand how you feel at this point.  You will make it through and come out a stronger person having faced this trial. 
Diagnosed 12/19/06; 1.7 cm x .8 cm right side
Retrosigmoid 2/16/07 @ House Ear Institute
Dr. Rick Friedman, Dr. Marc Schwartz & Dr. Michael Stefan
Excellent results

Jim Scott

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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2008, 03:26:21 pm »
Hi, Cynthia-in-New Zealand:

Haere mai!  :)

Welcome to the forum, but please accept my regret that you have a reason to be here: a diagnosis of an Acoustic Neuroma (aka vestibular schwannoma).

Your initial reactions are quite typical; grateful that the tumor is benign but fearful of what it will cost you (physically) to remove it and what the future will be like.  We've all been there.  Because you seem to have the medical aspects (doctors, surgery date and facility) nailed down and are comfortable with all that, my first (unoriginal) suggestion is that If you have the slightest leanings toward the religious and/or spiritual, this is the time to engage them.  I had dozens of good folks around the U.S. praying for me as well as almost everyone in our church.  This was a great comfort to me.  I also believe it played a big part in my successful surgery and subsequent radiation treatment.  However, religious/spiritual beliefs are a personal matter that I'll leave to you to address as you see fit.

You’ve received much good advice here.  Peruse the entire website to find even more.  The N.Z. AN group will very likely send you detailed patient information, too.  Your doctor's warnings about hearing loss can be explained by the fact that the tumor grows from the sheathing of the 8th cranial nerve, which is part of the hearing nerve branch that enables our brain to receive and process what our ears hear.  Although Acoustic Neuromas are notoriously slow growing, it is possible for one to have a ‘growth spurt’ and suddenly grow much larger (and more problematic for the surgeon) in a brief period of time.  This has happened to some of the folks posting on this board.  Admittedly, this is a long-shot, but your doctor was simply being honest and ethical in stating the possibility of this occurring.

Your question regarding the symptoms worsening prior to surgery is logical.  The answer is: yes, this happens.  There is little one can do about it other than to move up the surgery date, if possible.  Because your surgery date is only about 3 weeks away, I doubt that is an option or, frankly, anything you need to worry about.  Cynthia, I think you should be fully aware that, depending on the exact location of the tumor, how much nerve involvement is present and the type of surgery performed (there are 3 distinct approaches- some sever the 8th cranial nerve and hearing in the AN-affected ear is permanently lost).  Unfortunately, unilateral (one-sided) hearing loss is a prime effect of an Acoustic Neuroma, as is tinnitus.  Even so, unilateral hearing loss associated with an Acoustic Neuroma is not always a given nor is it necessarily total or permanent, but these are questions you should be asking your doctor, as he is familiar with your specific case and can answer you with credibility.  Please be assured there is no reason the hearing in your unaffected ear should be diminished because of the surgery or the AN that is affecting your other ear.  Of course, the surgeons experience and skill is a crucial factor in a successful outcome to AN surgery.  I'll assume your chosen doctors have that experience and skill.

Eat healthy, get plenty of rest and otherwise, just enjoy your life, pre-surgery.  You’ll very likely be walking, doing Yoga and so on within a few weeks of your operation.  Although the first 48 hours following the operation will find you in an ICU, groggy and sleeping most of the time.  A combination of the trauma to your body resulting from the surgery and the lingering effects of the anesthesia.  This is not a surgery that automatically leaves you incapacitated or unable to function normally.  Well, not for long, anyway.  Although recovery times can vary widely, six weeks seems to be the norm.  Some AN surgical patients 'bounce back' sooner, some have lingering issues for months afterward.  There are simply no guarantees.  How I wish there were!  The other issue you raised (menstruation) is one you may wish to mention to your doctor, just to keep him fully informed.  If it’s any comfort, I was 63 when I had my AN surgery.  I was underweight (due to appetite loss) but otherwise healthy.  I came though it and the radiation treatments I underwent 3 months later, just fine.  Now, 2 years post-op, I’m probably about as close to normal as I’ll ever be and that is about 95%.  I have SSD (Single Sided Deafness) but it is only a minor handicap.  I've long since learned to adapt to it and it's invisible to others.  My balance is good and I have only the tiniest lingering effects from the AN (occasional 'dry eye'- easily rectified with OTC eye drops, a tiny 'numb' spot on the side of my tongue).  None really impact my life.  Oh, and I never experienced facial paralysis.  I trust you’ll have a similar overall experience.

We stand ready to be of whatever service we can, Cynthia.  Please use this site and this forum as a resource as you begin your journey toward wellness. 

Kia ora to you.   :)


« Last Edit: May 24, 2008, 03:45:41 pm by Jim Scott »
4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2008, 08:58:19 pm »
Hello cynthianz ,

I think we all have felt your emotions of when we were all told we had a tumor. And the idea of being on the brain is even scarier. I lost a sister at 21 of an aneurysm near the brain stem and she died as soon as it went. So I had all sorts of emotions. The small town doctor called me at work and just told me I had an acoustic naroma  a  tumor that was what was causing my problems and I need to come and see him. Then when he showed my husband and I , all he said was, I am sorry to tell you but you have a tumor, then proceeded to show us. My mouth just dropped.  He said he couldn’t do anything about it but he knew of a doctor 3 hours away that would do it. I went to see the Dr.
 I left his office really feeling good but he only gave me one choice, surgical removed it.
I was not afraid after talking to him.
Good luck on what you decided in doing and your right every one here are wonderful.
Don't be afraid you will be with your children.


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2008, 05:40:03 am »
Thank you, Everyone, for being so actively interested and supportive.  I have shared this website with my family in the States so they can become familiar as well.  Knowledge is power.   All are gathered in Cincinnati Ohio this weekend for my grandmother's birthday.  I'm so glad they are together.  While I wish they were here, I think my sister and/or mum will come over in October, surgery is 19 June so I should be up and wobbling by then!   Also appreciate the bits of humour as there are some dark, dark moments and so hard when people don't know what to say...not to worry, I tell them I'll have lots of laundry that will need to be done. 

I realize that every surgery/recovery is different, but in general, did people need help getting around the house and just puttering about once home?  And maybe it is different in NZ than US, but they told me no driving for 6 months!  Never had headaches or pulsating/pounding behind left ear before, but have it now. 

I found a stone on the beach today about the size of the 3 cm knot in my head.  I pocketed it, will ponder for a bit, I think, then throw it back to sea.  Tossing it away, but knowing that someone else might pick it up one day in the same position as I am.  And I'll try my best to be there for them as you have been. 
3.3cmX3.2cmX3.2cm solid and cystic AN left. Diagnosed 20 May 2008.
TranslabSurgery 19 June, 2008.  Auckland, NZ.  Will lose all left hearing, Surgeons Christopher Furneaux and Michele Neefe

Psalm 121


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2008, 06:21:10 am »
6 months without a car? .. I was a couple months .. and that was only because I had a ride  8) ... most are a few weeks..

I did not need help around the house.. but I did not have little ones to care for! after surgery you sleep alot and get tired easily ... so if you other half needs to work or something ... it would be helpfull if someone else was with you for a while...

headaches are another story .. some keep them after surgery .....  some go away...

sounds like they are giving you worst case senerios...
4 cm AN/w BAHA Surgery @House Ear Clinic 08/09/05
Dr. Brackmann, Dr. Hitselberger, Dr. Stefan and Dr. Joni Doherty
1.7 Gram Gold Eye weight surgery on 6/8/07 Milford,CT Hospital


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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2008, 08:30:33 am »
Hello Cynthia,

I/we my husband and our two children spent 5 months in your lovely country.  We had sailed there in 1987 and docked at the Ponsonby Yacht Club.  Spent our time visiting the North and South Islands with work on our sailboat in between--loved every day we had there.  I remember NZ very well as it marked the time in our years of sailing as the place where I left my seasickness behind.  For 3 years I experienced seasickness everytime we left port when visiting a gold mine in your country the minor pulled me out of the group and poured metal powder in my hand.  He ran a strong magnet underneath making the powder stand on end and declared me "cured" of seasickness.  Sure enough 3 months later we set sail for Fiji and beyond I was cured and never had another bout of seasickness since!   :o

I digress here.....this has nothing to do with acoustic neuromas, but in a way we are in the "same boat".  After arriving home to the US in 1991 I had a momentary "burp" where I didn't recognize my surroundings and this prompted a doctor to order an MRI but without contrast.  The tumor was there but they didn't see it.  13 years later, numerous (can't count) visits to specialists over the years where finally "he" showed up!  After doing my investigating I very carefully chose surgery, but not before I finished my yoga instructor courses.  I was bound and determined to have my certification as I had been practicing yoga for approximately 9/10 years before and saw the benefits for myself.  I can honestly say it helped with balance problems I was having and if not for the yoga it probably would've been much more difficult for me.  Before yoga I had been "poo pooed" by my GP that at my age of 41 it was normal for an aging woman to have balance problems!   ???  After surgery, months later, I returned to my practice and by one year post surgery I was teaching.  So I give a "thumbs up" to yoga and other methods of balance training out there. 

In answer to your question regarding post surgery and home, my husband was there to help walk me everywhere the first and second week after surgery.  At week two I entered vestibular rehab (specific training for balance) and week three I was getting around, albeit slowly, by myself.  My husband hired a cleaning crew to help out with the house and kept them on for one year but in reality we could've let them go after the first month.  They did the inside and I did the outside yard work.  This was my therapy mentally to be out in the garden and sunshine.  In one year I had created my "oasis" with winding paths throughout the back yard with benches to stop for a rest and a place to practice my yoga. 

I, along with everyone here, wish you well in June and will be here to answer any questions or concerns you will undoubtly have, as we all have!  Your life with your AN is your journey, but not your destination nor does your AN define who you are.  You will come to discover a "new you" and I found I healed quicker embracing my limitations rather than trying to hold onto the "old me".  Healing from this surgery takes time, resting even for 5 minutes with your eyes closed helps tremendously with "brain fatigue" as your body heals.  It's good you shared this sight with your family educating them on post surgery issues will only help with your recovery time making it a smother process for you. 
1/05 Retrosigmoid 1.5cm AN left ear, SSD
2/08 Labyrinthectomy left ear 
Dr. Patrick Antonelli Shands at University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
12/09 diagnosis of semicircular canal dehiscence right ear

Jim Scott

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Re: Diagnosed 4 days ago. Need help calming
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2008, 01:21:06 pm »
Hi again, Cynthia-in-New Zealand:

Generally, you'll need some help at home for a week or two post-surgery, then, not so much.  Within a month of your surgery, you should be - at least superficially -  back to normal, but will likely tire easily and have some lingering after-effects of the surgery, which is considered major.  Grocery shopping and cooking will be a bit of a strain.  Actual housecleaning even more so, at least for a week or two.  Laundry is usually quite manageable if stairs are not involved.  Balance problems are different for each patient and so are headaches, etc.  I had no headaches post-surgery and, to be honest, none prior to surgery so my experience may not be typical. 

I asked my doctor for - and received - permission to drive again two weeks after my surgery.  I had a minor problem with head-turning (that generated mild dizziness) but quickly overcame it and never looked back.  A six month driving restriction seems ridiculous, unless you had major post-op complications, which we all hope won't be the case.  Your pragmatic yet slightly philosophic attitude will help you through this process, Cynthia.  So will a sense of humor, as you already know. 

Glad to be here for you.  Please stay connected. 

4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.